RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para factory_girl La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren factory_girl

active_cucumber 1.0.0

Tools to compare ActiveRecord entries with Cucumber tables

41.910 Descargas

spud_photos 0.9.4

Spud Photos is a feature complete photo management/gallery for the spud engine. Manage ...

41.522 Descargas

watch_tower 0.0.3

WatchTower helps you track how much time you spend on all of your projects.

41.432 Descargas

gitrob 1.1.2

Reconnaissance tool for GitHub organizations

41.201 Descargas

citygate 0.1.1

Citygate is an Engine that provides user model with sign up and log in, admin backend f...

40.411 Descargas

solidus_trackers 1.1.0

Breaking out trackers from solidus core

40.029 Descargas

express_translate 1.0.13

I18n Translation Interface for end user in Rails app

39.970 Descargas

record_history 0.9.2

ActiveRecord versioning

39.922 Descargas

find_cache 0.3.0

Makes ActiveRecord 'find_by_id, find_by_(attr)' methods and 'has_one, belongs_to' relat...

39.917 Descargas

elastic_queue 0.1.0

A library for storing and filtering documents on elastic search with a queue paradigm f...

39.853 Descargas

governor_comments 0.2.7

Comments plugin for the Rails 3-based Governor blogging system.

39.646 Descargas

factory_girl_extensions 2.1.0

Alternative FactoryGirl API allowing you to build/generate factories using your class ...

39.195 Descargas

view_models 4.0.1

The missing R to the Rails MVC

38.736 Descargas

badgeable 0.5.1

Badgeable provides an elegant DSL for describing and awarding badges to your Ruby objects.

38.409 Descargas

spree_static_content 1.0.1

Extention to manage the static pages for your Spree shop.

37.913 Descargas

spree_gtm 0.0.22

some gem description here

37.838 Descargas

has_dynamic_columns 0.3.10

Adds ability to put dynamic fields into active record models

37.695 Descargas

solidus_avatax_certified 3.0.0

Solidus extension for Avalara tax calculation.

37.579 Descargas

schnitzelpress 0.2.1

A lean, mean blogging machine for hackers and fools.

37.288 Descargas

tiny_cms 0.2.10

Minimal CMS Rails Engine or more likelly a "static" pages manager. Pages can be created...

37.013 Descargas

voterable 0.0.10

Hackish implementaiton of voting on of voteable objects by a voter

36.953 Descargas

mongoid-sleeping_king_studios 0.7.9

A collection of concerns and extensions to add functionality to Mongoid documents a...

36.874 Descargas

arel-mysql-index-hint 0.2.1

Add index hint to MySQL query in Arel.

36.868 Descargas

social_stream-ostatus 2.2.1

This gem allow you to connect several social stream nodes using PSHB hubs, also allows ...

36.563 Descargas

rails-push-notifications 0.2.2

Rails gem to push notifications for iOS, Android and Windows Phone devices

36.507 Descargas

spree_address_book 1.1.0

Adds address book for users to Spree

36.470 Descargas


Mongoid / ActiveRecord + RailsAdmin App Settings management

36.162 Descargas

geo_concerns 0.3.4

Rails engine for Hydra Geo models. Built around Curation Concerns engine.

35.665 Descargas

solidus_editor 1.0.0

Currently supported editors are CKEditor and TinyMCE

35.558 Descargas

initial-test-data 0.6.3

initial-test-data provides a way to create a test fixture using Active Record, Factory ...

35.423 Descargas

Total de descargas 65.571.842

Para esta versión 8.460.379



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.2
