RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para factory_girl La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren factory_girl

bustle 0.1.7

Activities recording and retrieving using a simple Pub/Sub architecture.

34.932 Descargas

common_repository_model 0.1.0

Notre Dame's Common Fedora Repository Model

34.857 Descargas

positionable 1.1.2

This extension provides contiguous positionning capabilities to your ActiveRecord models.

34.601 Descargas

cadenero 0.0.1

An Engine tha use Warden and OAuth for authenticate users using a RESTful API

34.553 Descargas

restpack_core_service 0.0.14

Applications, Domains and Configurations service

34.205 Descargas

arcserver.rb 0.1.5

A library for accessing ESRI ArcServer REST APIs from a unified interface

34.134 Descargas

simple_admin 0.7.1

Use SimpleAdmin to build out filtering, searchable, editable interfaces for your models

34.052 Descargas

orcid 0.9.1

A Rails engine for integration.

33.984 Descargas

badgeville_berlin 1.0.6

This is an open source Ruby wrapper for interacting with the Badgeville RESTful Berlin ...

33.847 Descargas

basecomm_sdk 1.2.0

Ruby client gem for Base Commerce ACH provider

33.430 Descargas

manageable_content 0.2.6

A content management framework for Rails (compatible with 3.1 and 3.2)

33.224 Descargas

double_double 0.2.8

A double-entry accural accounting system

32.843 Descargas

coulda_web_steps 0.6.8

Provides reusable steps for Coulda acceptance testing of Rack/Rails applications

32.655 Descargas

jdc 0.2.7

Friendly command-line interface for Jing Dong Foundry.

32.464 Descargas


Simple contact form manager for Spree

32.464 Descargas

kolekti 5.0.0

Kolekti is a code metric results parser framework. You can use it whenever you want str...

32.296 Descargas

localizable_model 0.6.4

LocalizableModel provides localization support for ActiveRecord objects

32.239 Descargas

inboxes 0.2.2

Messaging system for Rails 3 app

32.014 Descargas

adcurve_spree 0.0.14

Easy install adcurve support in to your spree ecommerce site

31.963 Descargas

grouped_scope 3.2.1

Extends has_many associations to group scope. For ActiveRecord!

31.911 Descargas

dismissible_helpers 0.3.1

Simple Dismissible help text for your Rails projects

31.846 Descargas

courier 0.2.4

Система управления пользовательскими оповещениями и подписками

31.707 Descargas


DPLA's metadata application profile in ActiveTriples.

31.209 Descargas

another_toy_robot 0.1.13

The application is a simulation of a toy robot moving on a square tabletop. It is an e...

30.935 Descargas

gem_logger 0.3.0

Allows classes/modules in gems to have logger class/instance methods with a pluggable L...

30.908 Descargas

rack-reqorder 0.6

Request recorder and analyzer for rack apps

30.847 Descargas

addic7ed_downloader 1.0.7

Search and download subtitles from Addic7ed.

30.617 Descargas

mandrill_queue 0.2.7

An easy to use DSL to send mailers using Mailchimps Mandrill api.

30.564 Descargas

songkick-oauth2-provider 0.10.3

Simple OAuth 2.0 provider toolkit

30.298 Descargas

archivist 1.1.2

This is a functional replacement for acts_as_archive in rails 3 a...

30.220 Descargas

Total de descargas 65.589.594

Para esta versión 8.467.565



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.2
