RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour gem-release Latest version of the following gems require gem-release

insulin 0.1.11

Take exported CSV from the OnTrack diabetes app, put it into MongoDB, and do interestin...

68 855 Téléchargements

autowow 0.17.1

Set of commands to AUTOmate Way Of Working

68 477 Téléchargements

stack-kicker 0.0.26

application stack management tool for OpenStack

65 869 Téléchargements

search_solr_tools 7.2.1

Ruby translators to transform various metadata feeds into solr documents and a comm...

65 372 Téléchargements

construi 0.41.0

Build tool using Docker to specify build environment

64 637 Téléchargements

flutterby 0.6.2

Flutterby is a flexible, Ruby-powered, routing graph-based web application framework th...

64 385 Téléchargements

dumbwaiter 0.6.0

Hoist your code up to Opsworks

61 823 Téléchargements

semantic-rails-ui 1.0.5

Create beautiful hrml layouts with semantic-ui, simple_form and rails

61 159 Téléchargements

genealogy 2.7.2

Genealogy is a ruby gem library which extends ActiveRecord models in order to make its ...

60 824 Téléchargements

sandthorn 1.3.0

Event sourcing

59 759 Téléchargements

mongoid_relations_dirty_tracking 0.2.2

Mongoid extension for tracking changes on document relations

59 561 Téléchargements

creategem 0.7.4

Creategem creates a scaffold project for new gems. You can choose between Github and Bi...

54 639 Téléchargements

shiplane_bootstrappers_chef 0.2.28

Converts docker-compose.yml files into images that can be uploaded to any docker image ...

53 379 Téléchargements

shiplane_deployers_capistrano_docker 0.2.28

Converts docker-compose.yml files into images that can be uploaded to any docker image ...

53 184 Téléchargements

shiplane 0.2.28

Converts docker-compose.yml files into images that can be uploaded to any docker image ...

52 936 Téléchargements 0.12.0

Ruby wrapper for the API

51 610 Téléchargements

fxpotato 2.0.4

Uses last daily feed from European Central Bank website, and exposes a simple interface...

51 050 Téléchargements

roro 0.3.33

Roro is a containerization and continuous integration framework for Ruby on Rails appli...

49 957 Téléchargements

reevoo_sapience 3.0

Centralizd sapience configuration for Reevoo Ltd. See for more information

49 920 Téléchargements

abide_dev_utils 0.18.2

Provides a CLI with helpful utilities for developing compliance Puppet code

49 857 Téléchargements

binance-connector-ruby 1.5.1

This is a lightweight library that works as a connector to the Binance public API.

48 845 Téléchargements

rumbrl 1.1.0


48 628 Téléchargements

ibrain-core 0.5.15

Its Core is an sso authen gem for Ruby on Rails.

48 592 Téléchargements

scide 1.0.0

GNU screen wrapper to open terminal tabs for projects with a .screenrc file.

48 200 Téléchargements

quadrigacx 1.0.0

Ruby wrapper for the QuadrigaCX API

47 948 Téléchargements

rails_locale_detection 2.3.0

Sets the current locale of a request using a combination of params, cookies, and http h...

45 624 Téléchargements

coconductor 0.10.1

work-in-progress code of conduct detector based off Licensee

44 109 Téléchargements

wrnap 1.2.2

A comprehensive wrapper w(RNA)pper for various RNA CLI programs.

44 091 Téléchargements

exercism_config 0.32.0

Retrieves stored config for Exercism

42 771 Téléchargements

woopy 0.3.2

Wraps the Woople API as ActiveResources

42 431 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 3 971 940

Pour cette version 2 787 283



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
