RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour gem-release Latest version of the following gems require gem-release

keydown 0.9.2

Bastard child of Slidedown, deck.js and organic fair trade Bolivian coffee

29 581 Téléchargements

byebug-skipper 0.5.0

Additional commands for Byebug that skip over garbage frames

29 551 Téléchargements

action_controller_tweaks 0.3.6

ActionController is great, but could be better. Here are some tweaks for it.

29 468 Téléchargements

docbook_status 1.1.0

DocBook utility showing document structure and word count

29 196 Téléchargements

request-tracer 0.7.0

This is a tracer that hooks into several components to allow tracing requests across se...

29 093 Téléchargements

exchange-offline-address-book 0.0.23

Get Exchange Offline Address Book

28 696 Téléchargements

hertz 2.1.0

A Rails engine for in-app notifications.

28 140 Téléchargements

chemtrail 0.5.1

Seed your CloudFormation stack

27 994 Téléchargements

yard-api-slatelike 0.3.0


27 832 Téléchargements

hermes_api 0.7.4

Unofficial Ruby object based Hermes UK API wrapper.

27 032 Téléchargements

ruby_git_crypt 0.1.0.pre.5

Wraps the git-crypt CLI so that git-crypt can be invoked from a Ruby script or Rakefile.

26 741 Téléchargements

jenkins-builder 0.3.4

Build Jenkins Jobs

26 495 Téléchargements

rake-dependencies 0.14.1

Provides rake tasks for downloading and extracting tools depended on for further build ...

25 864 Téléchargements

bullet-train-client 1.1.1

Ruby Client for Bullet-Train. Ship features with confidence using feature flags and rem...

25 644 Téléchargements

convenient_service 0.19.0

Yet another approach to revisit the service object pattern in Ruby, but this time focus...

25 281 Téléchargements

resque-rate_limited_queue 1.2.0

A Resque plugin which allows you to create dedicated queues for jobs that use rate limi...

24 641 Téléchargements

tools-cf-plugin 3.0.0

Cloud Foundry tooling commands.

24 556 Téléchargements

rubocop-mhenrixon 3.0.0

Convenience gem to handle my rubocop configuration in multiple projects.

24 338 Téléchargements

active_record_date_formatted 0.0.9

Adds *_formatted and *_formatted= methods to all rails model's date attributes

23 963 Téléchargements

rnfse 0.6.2

Biblioteca para integração com as várias implementações municipais de Nota Fiscal d...

23 767 Téléchargements

rollo 0.8.0

Strategies for rolling ECS container instance clusters.

23 649 Téléchargements

importeer_plan 0.3.0

only purpose is provide some reusable defaults for processing my (.xls-, .csv-, .txt)files

22 940 Téléchargements

fastlane-plugin-teak 1.1.0

Fastlane plugins for the Teak SDK

22 869 Téléchargements

goodwill 0.4.6

Allows you to perform basic auction management, bidding, and searching from ruby.

22 824 Téléchargements

cheetah-trousers 0.1.8

Library for Testing Ruby Deployment

22 711 Téléchargements

set_theory 0.0.7

Extends Object and Array with nice names for set operations.

22 648 Téléchargements

jfoundry 0.1.7

High-level library for working with the Jing Dong Foundry API.

21 934 Téléchargements

chloride 0.4.2

A simple streaming NetSSH implementation

21 841 Téléchargements

sleepers 0.0.12

If you are tired of boilerplate and would like a selection of awesome gems by default t...

21 818 Téléchargements

smartshot 0.0.8

Captures a web page as a screenshot using Poltergeist, Capybara and PhantomJS, ...

21 372 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 3 977 612

Pour cette version 2 792 372



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
