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Dependencias inversas para git La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren git

incr 1.1.1

Tasteful utility to increment the version number and create a corresponding git tag.

37.681 Descargas

fourchette 0.1.4

Fourchette is your new best friend for having isolated testing environment. It will hel...

37.445 Descargas

bundler-advise 1.2.0

Scans Gemfile for known vulnerable gems.

37.420 Descargas

git_presenter 1.4.0

Code presentation tool using git

36.941 Descargas

maximus 0.1.7

The all-in-one linting solution

36.527 Descargas

anchorman 0.9.5

Extract release notes from your git log

36.503 Descargas

bumperok 0.1.3

Sibext Bumper OK ("Бамперок" in russian) iOS and Android scripts for generation versio...

36.494 Descargas

ascii_invoicer 2.5.19

A commandline project management tool. It manages future and past projects, can creat...

36.117 Descargas

ninny 0.1.24

Ninny is a command line workflow for git with GitLab

35.867 Descargas

tempest_time 2.0.1

Log time and more... directly from the command line!

34.859 Descargas

git-projects 1.0.4

Easily manage Git projects

34.514 Descargas

nyx 1.4.1

Ibidem Project Utilities

34.023 Descargas

vigetlabs-provisional 2.1.12

Provisional creates a new Rails project, using a standard Rails 2.3 application templat...

33.793 Descargas

middleman-targets 1.0.14

Provides multiple build targets and tools for Middleman.

33.366 Descargas

redis-activesupport-with-cas 0.0.6

Extend the redis activesupport with CAS (compare-and-swap) functionality for better cac...

33.047 Descargas

changes_since 0.1.1

Shows you all the merged pull requests since a certain git tag in a nice format

32.895 Descargas

reflection 0.5.0

Reflection is designed to keep your development system in sync with your production sys...

32.878 Descargas

mumukit-sync 1.0.3

Library for importing and exporting things within Mumuki

32.863 Descargas

snowagent 0.3.0

Send metrics to snowman

32.695 Descargas

gisture 0.0.13

Execute one-off gists inline or in the background.

32.624 Descargas

github_issues_cli 0.3.2

Command line tool for managing issues, pull-requests on GitHub platform

32.327 Descargas

metamodel 0.4.0

Automatically generate model layout for iOS project.

32.079 Descargas

autoflow 0.9.9

"Autoflow makes easy to launch big pipelines on a queue system. Only works with SLURM &...

31.847 Descargas

gast 0.1.0

memo application of using git

31.844 Descargas

orly 0.0.15

Install a post-merge hook for git that tells you when the Gemfile changed or a migratio...

31.802 Descargas

git-confident 0.0.8

Provides git-confident

31.563 Descargas

meskyanichi-generators 0.4.4

A generator gem that helps you get up and running just a little bit faster!

31.553 Descargas

tcravit_ruby_lib 0.2.14

Random reusable ruby stuff

31.195 Descargas

djin 0.11.7

djin is a make-like utility for docker containers

31.041 Descargas

coupler 0.0.9

Coupler is a (JRuby) desktop application designed to link datasets together

30.711 Descargas

Total de descargas 128.089.562

Para esta versión 130.426



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0.0
