Dépendances inversées pour github_api Latest version of the following gems require github_api
github_uploader 0.1.0
Upload files to github, useful in your Rakefile.
4 569 Téléchargements
diffhub 0.0.1
Uploads the output of "git diff" comand to a gist
4 458 Téléchargements
github-bridge 1.0.2
The bridge between public GitHub (github.com) and private GitHub (GitHub Enterprise, gi...
4 302 Téléchargements
github-merge 0.0.1
Script that merges multiple GitHub repositories into a new, single repository.
4 106 Téléchargements
lampwick 0.0.1
"Pull repositories and create puppet environment branches"
3 980 Téléchargements
v1gittools 0.1.1
Tool(s) to integrate the VersionOne project managemente system with git/github develope...
3 917 Téléchargements
github-contributions 0.0.0
Find your contribution in github in Ruby.
3 754 Téléchargements
salmon 0.0.2
A migration tool for Github accounts and organizations.
3 684 Téléchargements
fb-git_reflow 0.3.6
Git Reflow manages your git workflow.
3 679 Téléchargements
sandman 0.0.1
Sandman is a gem aimed at helping you manage your SSH keys between GitHub and Bitbucket
3 656 Téléchargements
github_revisions 0.0.2
Access a list of revisions for various Github repositories.
3 607 Téléchargements
ucb_rails_ci 1.0.1
Tools for enabling Rails apps to be built on Travis and deployed from GitHub
3 534 Téléchargements
worktool 0.1.0
Tool for navigating beetwen github based projects and their issues
3 456 Téléchargements
fav_language 0.1.0
Guesses the favourite language of a github username by looking at the amount of code co...
3 394 Téléchargements
changelog_jira 1.12.0
Changelog generation has never been so easy. Fully automate changelog generation - this...
3 393 Téléchargements
gitorinox 0.0.1
You can list your repositories, and unwatch them
3 285 Téléchargements
rbk 0.1.1
Clones and uploads an organization's GitHub repositories to S3
3 237 Téléchargements
issuereporter-rails 0.0.1
Issuereporter is a system to allow anyone to report an issue to a GitHub repository.
3 228 Téléchargements
news_stand-github 0.1.0
NewsStand adapter for Github Issues
3 223 Téléchargements
reading_log_extractor 0.1.0
Had Read reading-log github api extractor
3 074 Téléchargements
PQWV 0.1.0
A Tool to view web pages on pull request brach
2 987 Téléchargements
api_deploy 0.1.0
can also be run as a server
2 968 Téléchargements
githubautossh 0.1.01
A helper script that generates both public & private keys, uploads them to the spec...
2 926 Téléchargements
inq 26.0.0
Quantify the health of a GitHub repository.
2 868 Téléchargements
snag 0.1.0
Read a snagfile, snag files; can't explain that
2 860 Téléchargements
hubkit 0.1.0
Hubkit provides methods for querying the github API at a higher level than making i...
2 640 Téléchargements
gitmoji_watch 0.1.0
Watch a git repository for emojis in the message of each commits.
2 606 Téléchargements
wunderlist_to_github 0.1.1
This utility connects to your accounts to transfer tasks from a given Wunderlist list t...
2 541 Téléchargements
lsgh 0.1.0
list github organisation projects and pull requests
2 456 Téléchargements
gitpoint 0.1.3
A Simple command line app to search git repos and fetch language statistics.
2 454 Téléchargements