RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour gli Latest version of the following gems require gli

podjumper 0.1.2

Quickly jump into pods of a kubernetes cluster

5 402 Téléchargements

lambit 0.0.2

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

5 257 Téléchargements

hard_cider 0.3.0

Wait for your IPAs to be Processed

5 240 Téléchargements

golomb 0.0.2

Golomb command-line tool

5 220 Téléchargements

geo-cli 0.0.1

geo-cli is a command-line utility for converting between common GIS serialization formats.

5 171 Téléchargements

goodot 0.0.3

Uaa, not right now

5 143 Téléchargements

raz 0.1.1

Tool to backup and restore files.

5 052 Téléchargements

apexgen 0.0.1

Apexgen allows you to generate object XML, create scaffolding for...

5 027 Téléchargements

app-runner 0.0.3

App runner utils

5 007 Téléchargements

arc42-pandoc 1.1.0

This is a micro gem for creating arc42 markdown boilerplate code and for converting it ...

4 975 Téléchargements

oversetter 1.1.0


4 967 Téléchargements

alonzo 0.0.1

Your command-line butler and confidant

4 965 Téléchargements

repose 0.0.1.alpha2

Synchronise your repositories

4 801 Téléchargements

karel 0.1.0

This is a ruby implementation of Karel The Robot, a programming language designed for ...

4 746 Téléchargements

artrest 0.0.1

ArtRest: A Ruby REST client for Artifactory

4 708 Téléchargements

fet 0.3.1

Teaches your ear to recognize notes based on their function in a key.

4 696 Téléchargements

coop_cli 0.0.1

A small cli interface to Co-op, the team collaboration tool from Harvest

4 693 Téléchargements

mattmatt-showoff 0.2.3

ShowOff is a Sinatra web app that reads simple configuration files for a presentation...

4 686 Téléchargements

binfuse 0.0.1

A description of your project

4 636 Téléchargements

acromine 0.1.1

acromine is a client for the [Acromine REST Service](

4 629 Téléchargements

differz 0.0.1

Compare two yaml-files and show the missing keys.

4 622 Téléchargements

backarch 0.1.15

Backup and archival utility for cassandra/elasticsearch

4 595 Téléchargements

aliyun-oss-sync 0.0.1

Sync script for aliyun OSS

4 584 Téléchargements

cloudflare_cli 0.0.3.pre.alpha.4

A CLI encapsulating /hopefully/ all of cloudflare's numerous endpoints (as soon as its ...

4 560 Téléchargements

standup_cli 0.0.2

CLI for posting daily standup to various team channel

4 504 Téléchargements

wellcar 0.0.3

A command line suite to ease conventional use of a Docker-based dev env for Ruby on Rails

4 392 Téléchargements

lastpass-buddy 0.0.3

lastpass-buddy does useful things using lastpass as a backing store

4 362 Téléchargements

clear 0.0.1

Command line interface for the Clear to do list Mac application.

4 302 Téléchargements

gd_es 0.0.2

Project which simplifies interaction with GoodData Eventstore storage

4 280 Téléchargements

cloudpatrol 0.1.3

Command-line tool that helps you keep Amazon cloud clean

4 255 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 76 946 344

Pour cette version 1 174 879

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 0
