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formatafacil 0.2.4

Com essa ferramenta você poderá compilar trabalhos de conclusão de curso (monografia, d...

27,167 下載

designshell 0.0.8

All-round workflow tool for designers. Enables designers to comfortably use geek goodne...

27,020 下載

cartage 2.2.1

Cartage provides a repeatable means to create a package for a server-side application t...

27,008 下載

iosdeveloper 0.3.3

Command line tools for accessing iOS Provisioning Portal

26,815 下載

parade 0.10.2

Parade is an open source presentation software that consists of a Sinatra web app that ...

26,672 下載

gboom 0.0.8

the fun way to create gists from your command line

26,593 下載

ki_pivotal 0.0.8

Kiseru Pivotal Tracker client

26,113 下載

arborist 0.6.0

Arborist is a monitoring toolkit that follows the UNIX philosophy of small parts and lo...

26,077 下載

anystyle-cli 1.4.5

A command line interface to the AnyStyle Parser and Finder.

25,676 下載

benoit 0.4.0

The CLI interface behind the Benoit Mac app

25,587 下載

mutiny 0.3.0

A tiny and experimental mutation testing framework for exploring research ideas.

25,527 下載

git-it 0.1.1

Commands to help you git it.

25,376 下載

trickster 1.4.0

Make aweomse technical presentation with big fonts that size to fit, and awesome syntax...

25,200 下載

grid_tools 0.0.9

grid_tools is a simple way create and manage a selenium grid.

25,033 下載

getv 2.2.2

Pull package version numbers from the web in various ways.

24,583 下載

comet 0.0.8

Command-line interface to download various code exercises and their test suites. When t...

24,267 下載

podsorz 0.0.18

iOS application modulize into pods, improvement for develop modules. CMD:

23,973 下載

jtag 0.1.18

Auto-tagging and tagging tools for Jekyll

23,887 下載

calamity 0.0.6

A life hacking tool

23,886 下載

hybook 0.2.1

hybook - hypertext book generator

23,399 下載

gitgem 0.1.6

Install gem from git repo !

23,234 下載

jiraa 1.0.7

A CLI for the Jira 5 REST API

22,944 下載


Ryb is a clean and extensible Ruby library and tool that generates build files for Visu...

22,659 下載

json_schema_builder 0.1.0

The first step to a clean and simple API is a unified API description in form of a shar...

22,561 下載

banalize 0.0.6

Run policies tests on bash scripts and libraries with specified policies and severity

22,495 下載

where_to_cli 0.1.10

Helps you organize your media library by enforcing a consistent directory structure.

22,487 下載

cloudcover 0.2.4

Provides a simple interface for using Okta authentication in command line applications

22,318 下載

conjur-asset-proxy 0.5.3

Simple HTTP proxy which adds Conjur authentication headers

22,160 下載

elzar 0.2.0

Provides Chef cookbooks for a production Rails environment. Also supports Chef-erizing ...

22,082 下載

grok_cli 1.3.3

Common CLI tools designed by Grok Interactive, LLC

21,899 下載

總下載次數 73,070,372

這個版本 6,707,235



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
