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dropsonde 0.0.8

Dropsonde is a simple telemetry probe designed to run as a regular cron job. It will ga...

21,874 下載

clouds 0.1.9

A layer of syntax sugar around the AWS Cloudformation API that allows you to handle Clo...

21,848 下載

bebox 0.1.5

Bebox is a project born from the necessity of organizing a way to deal with the provisi...

21,803 下載

hookapp 2.1.1

A CLI for (macOS)

21,689 下載

liquigen 0.1.8

Simple tool for generating the liquibase script.

21,627 下載

bookingit 0.5.0

Write a code-heavy book in Markdown

21,616 下載

pivotal-cli 0.0.9

Simple command line tool for working with Pivotal Stories

21,590 下載

cycle_analyst_logger 0.4.3

Read and store log output from the Grin Cycle Analyst and optionally Phaserunner

21,559 下載

debut 0.0.8

A simple way to register your cloud instance with DNS and other lookup services

21,512 下載

noc 1.0.0

A description of your project

21,459 下載

winedb 0.1.6

winedb - wine.db command line tool

20,831 下載

blast_off 0.5.0

An iOS beta distribution tool.

20,608 下載

fdlint 0.2.1

Code reviewer for web developing. Check your HTML/JS/CSS codes against bad codes.

20,594 下載

octo 0.0.8

A lightweight script that allows you to run commands in parallel on multiple hosts

20,055 下載

svi 0.3.21

Service Interface

20,054 下載

jekyll-rp_logs 0.5.0

Jekyll plugin to turn raw IRC RP logs into pretty pages.

20,020 下載

ki_trello 1.0.0

A Kiseru client for Trello

19,932 下載

razor 0.5.2

'Razor is a static website generator. Describe layouts and pages in ruby. Write them wi...

19,915 下載

lifx_dash 0.4.0

A command line tool to listen for Amazon Dash button presses and toggle LIFX lights O...

19,890 下載

slideoff 0.4.0

Slideoff is a presentation tool that displays markdown-formatted slides

19,866 下載

envred 0.4.1

This is a tool/wrapper for the apps that set env configuration from given redis machine.

19,729 下載

soyuz 0.3.1

Soyuz is the deployment toolkit that glues all of your deployment pipeline together

19,290 下載

threatinator 0.2.1

Threatinator is a library and tool for parsing threat data feeds.

19,094 下載

hnews 0.0.7

CLI Hacker News (

19,012 下載

ferrets_on_fire 0.0.9

Supercharge your CLI tools. This gem helps you to write powerful CLI tools without cari...

18,963 下載

html2mail 0.2.6

Console tool which generates html/eml stuff for your newsletters from html-files (suppo...

18,887 下載

papercallio 0.5.0

Gem to use the papercallio API

18,863 下載

software_smithy 1.6.5

Smithy can help maintain a collection of software installed from source. Typically, man...

18,536 下載

hazetug 0.1.7

Provisions and bootstraps nodes using knife

18,308 下載

aina 0.4.0

Code generation for WordPress

18,288 下載

總下載次數 73,131,470

這個版本 6,745,661



Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
