RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para google-protobuf La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren google-protobuf

dapr-client 0.4.0

Dapr SDK for Ruby

7.689 Descargas

google-shopping-type 0.6.0

Common protocol buffer types used by Google Shopping related client libraries

7.087 Descargas

neb 0.1.3

the Nebulas compatible Ruby API

6.716 Descargas

fluent-plugin-protobuf-http 0.3.1

fluentd HTTP Input Plugin for Protocol Buffers with Single and Batch Messages Support

6.668 Descargas

fluent-plugin-kinesis-modified 3.1.5

Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis. Forked from fluent-plugin-ki...

6.509 Descargas

dataMetaProtobuf 1.0.2

DataMeta DOM to Protobuf IDL generator

6.354 Descargas

treyja 0.1.4

Treyja: parses and displays tensors.

6.233 Descargas

letitcrash 0.1.2

Ruby client for LetItCrash

5.840 Descargas

prototok 0.1.2

Easy to use token generation using libsodium and json (using mu...

5.809 Descargas

fluent-plugin-parser-protobuf 0.1.2

Protobuf parser for Fluentd.

5.675 Descargas

mojix 0.0.3

Mojix gRPC client for Ruby. Mojix is micro-service oriented kuromoji gRPC server.

5.595 Descargas

crawlab_ruby_sdk 0.2.6

Write a longer description or delete this line.

5.458 Descargas

Hearch 2018.9.3

Hearch ruby. Index and search.

5.291 Descargas

micro-rb 0.1.0.rc3

Write micro services in Ruby for the Micro framework

4.829 Descargas

onnx-red-chainer 0.1.2

Automatically generate Ruby code from ONNX

4.731 Descargas

dc-metrics 1.0.0

Ruby implementation for DeliveryCenter's structured logging format.

4.605 Descargas

staged_event 0.0.2

A transactional outbox implementation for Ruby/ActiveRecord

4.586 Descargas

growing-ruby-sdk 0.3.0

Growing data collection in Ruby

4.520 Descargas

matrix_creator 1.0.0

Abstraction level RubyGem for the MATRIX Creator device to inte...

4.505 Descargas

reindexer 0.0.3

A gRPC-client that allows to interact with the Reindexer document-oriented database

4.483 Descargas

nats_streaming_listener 0.1.1

Nats streaming client and subscriber implementation.

4.463 Descargas

fdarchivo 0.2.1

Description of Fdarchivo.

4.452 Descargas

appchain.rb 0.2.0

Ruby Nervos AppChain SDK for signature and rpc call

4.108 Descargas

anndb_api 0.0.2

AnnDB client for Ruby

4.094 Descargas

corona_presence_tracing 0.1.1

Implementation of the Presence Tracing (also known as Event Registration) specification...

3.868 Descargas

gitlab-pages-proto 0.0.2

Auto-generated gRPC client for gitlab-pages.

3.731 Descargas

grpc-flamingo 1.15.0

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

3.584 Descargas

laksa 0.1.0

LaksaRuby -- Zilliqa Blockchain Library

3.153 Descargas

adp-fluent-plugin-kinesis 0.0.2

Fork of plugin created by AWS

3.032 Descargas

streamdal-protos 0.1.57

Streamdal SDK Protocol Buffers

2.559 Descargas

Total de descargas 269.930.102

Para esta versión 2.743



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0
