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Dependencias inversas para google-protobuf La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren google-protobuf

temporalio 0.1.1

An SDK for implementing workflows and activities in Ruby

2.515 Descargas

anmol_2_cortex_client_ruby 0.1.0

Client to push resource to cortex

2.497 Descargas

ved_decoder 1.0.0

VedDecoder is a decoder for the Google ved parameter

2.369 Descargas

sigstore_protobuf_specs 0.3.2

A library for serializing and deserializing Sigstore messages.

2.312 Descargas

gis-protobuf 1.0.4

GIS ProtoBuf module

2.311 Descargas

wikipaddle_cartographer 0.1.2

Client library for the cartographer service.

2.278 Descargas

tensorflow-ruby 0.2.0

Tensorflow bindings for ruby

2.274 Descargas

grpc-z 1.11.1

Send RPCs from Ruby using GRPC

2.244 Descargas

sbmt-kafka_consumer 2.6.0

This gem is used for consuming Kafka messages. It represents a wrapper over Karafka gem...

2.226 Descargas

gitaly-z 0.30.1

Auto-generated gRPC client for gitaly.

2.169 Descargas

google-events 0.5.0

This library includes Google CloudEvents types for Ruby

2.157 Descargas

gitaly-proto-z 0.118.1

Auto-generated gRPC client for gitaly.

2.061 Descargas

grpc_serializer 1.0

A simple gem for nested grpc message encoding and decoding

2.033 Descargas

gitaly-proto-flamingo1 0.118.1

Auto-generated gRPC client for gitaly.

2.029 Descargas

fluentd-plugin-kinesis-intuit 2.1.1

Fluentd output plugin that sends events to Amazon Kinesis.

2.005 Descargas

gitaly-flamingo 0.30.0

Auto-generated gRPC client for gitaly.

2.003 Descargas

google-geo-type 0.2.0

Common protocol buffer types used by client libraries

1.950 Descargas

google-apps-card-v1 0.4.0

Common protocol buffer types used by client libraries

1.883 Descargas

nwitch_grpc_client 0.1.0

Acts as a Ruby gem for the nwitch gRPC proxy.

1.881 Descargas

caraml-upi-protos 0.0.1

Universal Prediction Interface codegen proto

1.855 Descargas

manga_plus-api 0.1.0

Thin API layer for the MangaPlus manga site

1.842 Descargas

fluent-plugin-upi-logs 0.0.0

Fluentd parser custom plugin that can parse UPI logs (PredictionLog and RouterLog - ...

1.664 Descargas

kinesis-aggregation 0.1.0

Read and write AWS KPL aggregate messages

1.661 Descargas

dapr-ruby 1.13.2

Dapr SDK for Ruby

1.597 Descargas

facsimile 0.0.1.pre1

Seamless type casting for Protobuf

1.594 Descargas

iugu-docs-theme 0.2.3

Jekyll Standard Theme for Iugu Documentation

1.464 Descargas

protobuf_transpiler 1.1.2

This gem provides a quick way to generate annotated ruby stubs for protobufs leveraging...

1.365 Descargas

nuva 0.1.7

nuva library aims to simplify working and interacting with the NUVA nomenclature throug...

1.318 Descargas

sc2ai 0.0.6

This is a Ruby interface to STARCRAFT® II. Write your own AI using an easy interface an...

1.315 Descargas

quorum_sdk 0.3.0

A API wrapper for Quorum

1.250 Descargas

Total de descargas 270.338.248

Para esta versión 4.349



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 3.0
