RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para graphql La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren graphql

dry-graphql 2.2.2

Adds functionality to make dry-types/dry-struct play nicely with graphql-ruby

39.112 Descargas

graphql-decorate 1.0.4

A decorator integration for the GraphQL gem

37.280 Descargas

nulogy_graphql_api 4.0.0

Standard tooling for building GraphQL apis

34.768 Descargas

graphql-rails-api 0.9.81

This gem purpose is to make graphql easier to use in ruby. Mainly developed for from-sc...

33.889 Descargas

graphql-rails-resolver 0.3.0

A utility for ease graphql-ruby integration into a Rails project.

30.333 Descargas

graphql-stitching 1.3.0

Combine GraphQL services into one unified graph

29.438 Descargas

graphql-log_helper 0.2.0

Easily add GraphQL params and resolvers to logs

29.204 Descargas

graphql-groups 0.2.2

GraphQL Groups makes it easy to add aggregation queries to your GraphQL schema. It comb...

28.230 Descargas

graphql-relay-walker 0.3.0

A tool for traversing your GraphQL schema to proactively detect potential data access v...

28.138 Descargas

tractive 1.0.26

Exporting tool for Trac

27.971 Descargas

graphql-auth 0.6.1

GraphQL + JWT + Devise

25.947 Descargas

graphql-rails 0.0.9

Zero-configuration GraphQL + Relay support for Rails. Adds a route to process GraphQL o...

25.724 Descargas

graphql_activerecord_autoselect 2.0.0

Automatic ActiveRecord column selection for GraphQL (Ruby) fields.

25.547 Descargas

graphqr 0.0.8

Extensions and helpers for graphql-ruby

25.235 Descargas

graphiti_graphql 0.1.17

GraphQL support for Graphiti

25.085 Descargas

graphiti_graphql 0.1.17

GraphQL support for Graphiti

25.085 Descargas

graphql_grpc 0.1.13

This is a gem packaging up gRPC proxy code to GraphQL from

24.738 Descargas

graphiti_gql 0.2.38

GraphQL support for Graphiti

23.641 Descargas

active_decorator-graphql 0.3.0

A toolkit for decorating GraphQL field objects using ActiveDecorator.

21.308 Descargas

wcc-contentful-graphql 1.2.0

GraphQL interface over WCC::Contentful store

19.105 Descargas

graphql-preview 0.2.0

Provide a system for toggling parts of a GraphQL schema on.

18.802 Descargas

graphql-result_cache 1.0.0

This gem is to cache the json result, instead of resolved object.

18.792 Descargas

graphql-authorization 0.0.3

An authorization framework for graphql-ruby

18.772 Descargas

graphoid 0.1.0

A gem that helps you autogenerate a GraphQL API from Mongoid or ActiveRecord models.

18.556 Descargas

graphql-page_cursors 0.0.2

Add page cursors to your Rails GQL schema

18.361 Descargas

graphql-association_batch_resolver 0.1.14

GraphQL Resolver for ActiveRecord Associations

17.957 Descargas

graphql_client 0.4.1

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

17.948 Descargas

rspec-graphql_types 1.0.5

Test out types in ruby graphql

17.828 Descargas

date_book 0.1.4

Rails 5 Engine to give users their own calendars of events.

16.978 Descargas

graphql_scaffold_fan 0.3.3

Helping creating graphql files

16.890 Descargas

Total de descargas 108.240.771

Para esta versión 36.127



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.7.0

Nuevas versiones requieren AMF: true

Versión publicada con AMF: true
