RubyGems Navigation menu

growl 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 growl

itunes-client 0.2.0

iTunes client with high level API

43,868 下载

stendhal 0.1.11

Stendhal is a really simple test framework.

43,097 下载

bitrix_on_rails 0.2.1

Использование инфоблоков 1С-Битрикс в Ruby On Rails проектах

42,757 下载

metricsd 0.2.6

Client library for MetricsD server

42,285 下载

as_dialed_from 0.2.4

Figure out how a number should be dialed from another country. A fork of a port of Goog...

40,857 下载

rspec-deep-matchers 0.0.2

Deep Hash matcher for rspec

38,872 下载


csv_rb provides an csv renderer so you can move all your spreadsheet code from your con...

37,734 下载

vzaar_api 2.0.2

A Ruby gem for the vzaar API v2

37,551 下载

legit 0.0.15

A collection of scripts for common git tasks to simplify and improve workflow.

37,321 下载

rubykassa 0.4.2

Yet another Ruby wrapper for Robokassa API aimed to make Robokassa integration even mor...

37,053 下载

voterable 0.0.10

Hackish implementaiton of voting on of voteable objects by a voter

36,941 下载

silver_spurs 1.0.2

This is a simple REST service to kick off bootstrap processes. It is intended for use i...

35,989 下载

prisma 0.2.4

Simple request stats collector for Rails applications

35,966 下载

zuck 3.0.0

This gem allows to easily access facebook's ads api in ruby. See https://developers.fac...

35,801 下载

acts_permissive 0.3.4

Allows for arbitrary permissions on arbitrary collections of objects, rather than syste...

34,997 下载

aua-mite 0.0.8

Extension for aua ( to recognize custom mite api clients by...

32,710 下载

omniauth-redbooth 1.0.2

Official OmniAuth strategy for

32,544 下载

vendor 0.1.6

Dependency management for iOS and OSX development

31,770 下载

musical 1.0.7

musical is a simple tool for your favorite DVD. You can rip vob file by DVD chapter, co...

31,684 下载

rspec-subject-extensions 0.3.2

rspec-subject-extensions let's you use short-hands to generate nested examples groups

31,654 下载

guard-lono 1.0.1

Guard::Lono automatically builds cloud formation templates from lono erb templates.

31,289 下载

zack 0.3.4

Ruby RPC calls via Cod

30,808 下载

bookkeeper 0.0.7

Bokkeeper is a Rails mountable engine with Twitter Bootstrap compatible markup.

29,935 下载

dm-is-published 1.2.0

A DataMapper plugin that provides an easy way to add different states to your models.

28,681 下载

slidepay 0.0.13

SlidePay makes it ridiculously easy to take swiped payments anywhere, on any device. Ch...

28,123 下载

bocuse 0.2.2

bocuse teaches chef-solo a few tricks. A strict front-end to chef-solo, it reads a...

28,003 下载

merge 0.6.1

Merge attributes from associated models with ActiveRecord

27,890 下载

procrastinate 0.6.0

Framework to run tasks in separate processes.

27,664 下载

operable 0.3.3

Perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on your models.

27,527 下载

gom-script 0.2.2

gom-script script simplifies coding of clients and daemon which like to listen on s...

27,236 下载

下载总量 4,288,560

这个版本 4,288,558


需要的 Ruby 版本:

需要的 RubyGems 版本: >= 1.2
