RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para guard-spork La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren guard-spork

noa-core 0.0.2

Core functionality for Noa

6.576 Descargas

stormpath-omniauth 1.0.0.beta.3

An OmniAuth strategy for use with Stormpath

6.559 Descargas

noa-developer 0.0.2

Developer module for Noa

6.528 Descargas

tableau 0.0.3

Parses, analyses and creates Timetables for Staffordshire University students.Handles b...

6.506 Descargas

shitceptions 1.0.1

Shitceptions - a gem for making exceptions more fun!

6.252 Descargas

revily 0.0.2

Revily command-line utility

6.216 Descargas

project_group 0.1.1


6.153 Descargas

odds 0.2.0


5.924 Descargas

voluntary_scholarship 0.1.0

Plugin for #Crowdsourcing system Voluntary.Software:

5.797 Descargas

voluntary_recruiting 0.1.0

#Crowdsourcing gem voluntary's recruiting plugin:

5.686 Descargas

rubber_stamp 0.15.1

With RubberStamp, you can make any model versionable. This will record suggested change...

5.606 Descargas

voluntary_ranking 0.1.0

Ranking plugin for #crowdsourcing gem voluntary:

5.593 Descargas

nested_file 0.0.2


5.536 Descargas

sailthru_batching_client 0.0.1

Sailthru Client with Batching

5.522 Descargas

voluntary_feedback 0.1.0

Feedback plugin for #Crowdsourcing gem voluntary:

5.409 Descargas

voluntary_brainstorming 0.0.2

Brainstorming plugin for #crowdsourcing gem voluntary:

5.403 Descargas

consul-mutex 0.1.1

Manage distributed code with a Consul-mediated mutex

5.391 Descargas

tvdb_client 0.1.1

Ruby library for interacting with the TVDB's REST API

5.131 Descargas

clutterbuck-request 0.0.2

Provide per-request helpers to Clutterbuck apps

5.074 Descargas

clutterbuck-router 0.0.2

Rack-based minimal request router

5.043 Descargas

ascension 0.1.0


4.882 Descargas

el_vfs 0.0.1

Description of ElVfs.

4.675 Descargas

cloud_file 0.0.1


4.351 Descargas

make-private 0.0.1

Make all active record properties private

4.338 Descargas

omniauth-password 0.0.1

An OmniAuth strategy for use with ActiveModel's has_secure_password

4.299 Descargas

damselfly 0.0.1

Rails engine to add polymorphic file attachments leveraging dragonfly and counting refe...

4.167 Descargas

bitfinex 0.0.1

This is a Bitfinex Ruby Gem to access and manage Bitfinex data provided by its API.

4.093 Descargas

inspector_dragit 0.0.2

Drag and drop attribute inspector. Nests model attributes as html 5 data attributes on ...

4.011 Descargas

ember_auth_rails 0.1.0


3.990 Descargas

multi-step 0.0.1

Multi-Step is a Rails engine for easily creating multi step forms (i.e. form wizard)

3.986 Descargas

Total de descargas 3.196.393

Para esta versión 1.038.504



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 1.9.3

Versión de Rubygems requerida: >= 1.3.6
