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hiredis 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 hiredis

hari 0.0.5

Hari is a tool to abstract complex relationships between Ruby objects onto Redis da...

12,264 下载

octocore 0.0.6

Octocore is the core framework of Octomatic Enterprise. It contains all the core models...

12,027 下载

gilmour-em-hiredis 0.3.3

Eventmachine redis client using hiredis native parser

11,336 下载

led 0.3.1

Script-based ORM for Redis

11,072 下载

WhiteCloth 0.0.5


10,507 下载

gio-redis 0.0.3

Minimal Redis message client for use with the Ruby-GNOME2 gio2 bindings.

10,099 下载

apnmachine 0.1.1

An APN server & library in which EventMachine daemons maintain a persistent connection ...

10,075 下载

async_service 0.1.5

The gem provides an abstraction for asynchronous workers that poll data from a queue an...

9,652 下载

xcflushd 1.2.0

xcflushd is a daemon that connects to a Redis database containing 3scale's XC API Manag...

9,453 下载

redis_storage_methods 0.0.3

Transparently store objects both in redis and your sql store, but GET only on the redis...

9,146 下载

rigeon 0.2.1

wrapper for implementing PUB/SUB pattern across distributed system

8,880 下载

mines 0.0.2

Ruby in Mines is a framework for creating data mining application prototypes that focus...

8,569 下载

ca_ching 0.1.1

Write-through ActiveRecord model caching that's right on the money

8,550 下载

user_settings 0.0.3

Stores and Accesses User Settings

8,436 下载

true_queue 0.9.5

Queue is a proxy to several queueing libraries: a homegrown queue on top of Redis, an i...

8,392 下载

palava_machine 1.0.2

A WebRTC signaling server implemented with WebSockets, EventMachine and Redis Pub-Sub

8,279 下载

pooled_redis 0.2.1

Provides `Rails.redis_pool` & `Rails.redis` methods and configuration via `database...

7,925 下载

fuzzzy 0.0.2

Fuzzy Search client and server

7,873 下载

wwl-websocket-rails 0.7.3

Seamless Ruby on Rails websocket integration. Forked from websocket-rails by wonderwebl...

7,789 下载

universe-db 0.1.1

gem install universe-db

7,601 下载

pub 0.1.0

A Redis-backed pub or processing queue with a non-blocking bar counter

7,365 下载

logstash-input-redis-cluster 2.0.4

This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

7,304 下载

cachier 0.0.1

Tag your cache keys smartly, you can expire by tags, count keys per tag and many more. ...

7,261 下载

truth 0.0.7

Uses Redis pub/sub + Eventmachine

7,171 下载

rdkit 0.1.5

RDKit is a simple toolkit to write Redis-like, single-threaded multiplexing-IO server.

7,129 下载

redis-sentinel2 1.3.1

another redis automatic master/slave failover solution for ruby by using built-in redis...

7,061 下载

rstatsd 0.3

a stats daemon that stores data in redis

7,010 下载

gitroom 0.0.2

Simplest git server with permissions

6,746 下载

rackdis 0.14.pre.beta

A Ruby clone of the awesome Webdis Redis web API

6,428 下载

time_series 0.0.3

Timeseries metrics store using Redis as a backend

6,184 下载

下载总量 69,792,023

这个版本 37,860,976



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
