httparty 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 httparty
ohmysmtp-rails 0.3.0
The OhMySMTP Rails Gem is a plug in for ActionMailer to send emails via OhMySMTP to mak...
117,526 下載
driftrock-service 0.4.22
Gem for talking to the driftrock api
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samanage 2.1.23
Connect to Samanage using Ruby!
116,373 下載
samanage 2.1.23
Connect to Samanage using Ruby!
116,373 下載
selfsdk 0.0.225
joinself sdk
115,442 下載
eaternet 1.4.2
A framework for easily retrieving a region's health scores in a standardized way.
114,792 下載
Webbynode Deployment Gem
114,039 下載
aquatone 0.5.0
A tool for domain flyovers.
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2Performant 0.1.3
Library for the 2Performant API
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rearview 1.2.3
Timeseries data monitoring framework running as a rails engine
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smarty_streets 0.0.6
A ruby gem to integrate with
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onlyoffice_api 1.0.1
Ruby Framework to interact with OnlyOffice API 2.0
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gplan 0.2.1
Creates release notes from the git log and planbox
109,431 下載
zena 1.2.8
zena is a Ruby on Rails CMS (content managment system) with a focus on usability, ease...
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hackathon_manager 0.14.1
Full-featured application for managing hackathon logistics
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onlyoffice_language_helper 1.0.0
ONLYOFFICE Helper Gem for language operation. Used in QA
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tangolicious 0.1.2
Tangocard Raas API v2
105,313 下載
pl-puppetdb-ruby 2.0.3
Simple Ruby client library for PuppetDB API
104,623 下載
citygrid_api 0.0.28
Ruby wrapper for CityGrid APIs
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datahen 1.6.3
DataHen toolbelt to develop scrapers and other scripts
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aptly_cli 0.6.1
Aptly API client
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apple-tv-converter 0.7.4
Converts movies to a format playable on Apple TV. Supporting multiple subtitles.
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carte-server 1.0.11
something like dictionary, wiki, or information card
102,198 下載
centaman 8.0.0
Wrapper for the Centaman Ticketing API
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asari 0.13.0
Asari s a Ruby interface for AWS CloudSearch
101,733 下載
storage_room 0.3.24
StorageRoom is a CMS system for Mobile Applications (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, ...)....
101,672 下載
messenger 0.7.1
Messenger: easy message sending for various protocols.
101,374 下載 1.2.1
A simple ruby client for Node.js's Socket.IO v1.1.x, Supports only WebSocket.
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maestrano 1.0.6
Maestrano is the next generation marketplace for SME applications. See https://maestran...
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roqua-rom-api 3.0.3
Provides authenticated access to ROM utilities
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