RubyGems Navigation menu

httparty 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 httparty

gitmine 0.2.1

Git log with status of associated redmine tickets

76,276 下載

resend 0.18.1

The Ruby and Rails SDK for

76,087 下載

antilles 0.1.4

Antilles uses Mimic to set up a stub HTTP server that a CLI tool being tested with cucu...

76,077 下載

govkit 0.7.4

Govkit lets you quickly get encapsulated Ruby objects for common open government APIs. ...

75,336 下載

heartbeat-client 0.6.0

Heartbeat Client in Ruby

75,308 下載

referral_candy 0.1.0

Ruby wrapper for ReferralCandy API

75,240 下載

intermix-client 0.0.4

Intermix API Client in Ruby

75,164 下載

algorithmia 1.1.0

This gem provides a friendly client interface to the Algorithmia API, allowing you to c...

75,017 下載

smithycms 0.8.1

Smithy CMS is a Rails Engine built to manage your content easily and play nicely with o...

74,977 下載

libFinder 0.5.3

a gem which helps in finding the missing system libs that the gemfiles gems needs

74,890 下載

hoi 0.0.7

API for Hoiio

74,765 下載

bigcartel 1.0.6

A Ruby wrapper for the Big Cartel External REST API

74,699 下載

mlb_gameday 0.3.1

Access data about games and players from the official MLB Gameday API

74,101 下載

zetabot 2.1.2

Zeta is a IRC bot written in ruby using the Cinch Framework

74,004 下載

botscout 0.0.5


73,961 下載

nine-redmine-client 1.0.0

To access the Redmine API from ruby scripts.

73,555 下載

stellar_base-rails 4.2.2

API Endpoints for the Stellar Protocol

73,317 下載

telapi 1.2.3

TelAPI wrapper. See

73,016 下載

proz 2.1.4

A Ruby wrapper for working with the 2.0 API, a REST-like API for interacting w...

72,902 下載

cosm-rb 0.2.09

A library for communicating with the Cosm REST API, parsing and rendering Cosm feed for...

71,870 下載

lopata 0.1.32

Functional acceptance testing

71,680 下載

facebook_digit_auth 3.1.0

You can use this gem when using authentication by facebook and digits.

71,594 下載

helpscout 0.0.5

HelpScout API Wrapper

71,574 下載

helpscout 0.0.5

HelpScout API Wrapper

71,574 下載

docusign_dtr 3.1.0

Ruby library for Docusign DTR rest API

71,452 下載

amplitude-rb 0.2.1

Provides a simple Ruby library to communicate with the Amplitude HTTP API.

71,368 下載

papertrail_rails 0.0.4

Ruby wrapper for querying the papertrail API

71,222 下載

aria_sdk 0.2.4

A set of objects to help connect with the Aria Systems REST and SOAP Core, Object Query...

70,019 下載

cloudapp_api 0.5.0

A simple Ruby wrapper for the CloudApp API. Uses HTTParty with a simple ActiveResource-...

69,373 下載

cameroncox-mousetrap 0.6.2

CheddarGetter API Client in Ruby

69,305 下載

總下載次數 355,560,733

這個版本 18,495,387




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.7.0
