RubyGems Navigation menu

httparty 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 httparty

topsy 1.0.1

Wrapper for the Topsy API

60,281 下载

google_otg 1.1.3

Include Google's Over Time Graph in your app

60,186 下载

rspreedly 0.1.17

Ruby library for the Spreedly API

60,100 下载

mno-enterprise-api 3.4.0

Maestrano Enterprise - essentials API

59,936 下载

mno-enterprise-core 3.4.0

Core functionnality of MNOE. This handles the core functionnality.

59,405 下载

served 0.4.3

Served provides an easy to use model layer for communicating with disributed Rails base...

59,243 下载

repocrawler 0.2.29

Grab the information of repository from the GitHub, RubyGems, The Ruby Toolbox and Stac...

59,013 下载

meta-spotify 0.3.3

A ruby wrapper for the Spotify Metadata API. See https://devel...

58,995 下载

grenache-ruby-base 0.2.18

Grenache Base Client implementation.

58,893 下载

heimdall_tools 1.3.50

Converter utils that can be included as a gem or used from the command line

58,603 下载

absentee_camper 0.0.7

Monitors a Campfire room for @mentions, and emails the @mentioned user with the message...

58,465 下载

sport_ngin_aws_auditor 4.3.2

Helps with AWS configuration

58,424 下载

mn_utils_gem 1.15.15

Mumsnet utils gem for microservices

58,229 下载

navilocal 1.2.5


58,224 下载

voicebase-client-ruby 1.3.0

Ruby client for VoiceBase API Version 1.x and 2.x that will make both API versions avai...

57,999 下载

homeflow_api 1.0.3

A gem for dealing the homeflow api

57,964 下载

booker_api 0.0.28

Ruby client for the Booker v4 API -

57,946 下载

myfinance-rails 0.5.2

GEM para facilitar a uso da API do Myfinance em Aplicativos Rails usando HTTParty

57,898 下载

codegears 0.0.2

Client library and CLI to manage apps on CodeGears

57,895 下载

global_collect 0.5.1

Gives minimally intrusive access to Global Collect's payment processing API. Currently...

57,873 下载

keppler 2.1.22

Keppler Administrator

57,521 下载

bosh_deployer 1.4.1

Micro BOSH Deployer

57,384 下载

apphunkd 0.13.0

Apphunkd is a ruby based daemon that runs on your application-servers and acts as local...

56,912 下载

travlrmap 1.5.2

description: Sinatra based map builder

56,891 下载

active_public_resources 0.2.9

Normalized searching and browsing of public resources

56,584 下载

mints 0.0.36

MINTS gem allows to connect your Rails App to MINTS.CLOUD

56,560 下载

lastpass 1.7.1

Read only access to the online LastPass vault

56,497 下载

ceiling_cat 0.1.8

Ceiling Cat is watching you chat. A Campfire and IRC chat bot!

56,382 下载

BtSync 0.6.2

Class to interact with BTSync's web interface using their unofficial API

56,194 下载

dinosaurus 0.0.12

Ruby wrapper for the Big Huge Thesaurus APIs.

56,135 下载

下载总量 355,969,071

这个版本 18,719,022




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0
