RubyGems Navigation menu

httparty 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 httparty

echonest-ruby-api 0.8.0

A simple ruby wrapper around the Echonest API

100,774 下载

ar_http_wrapper 0.2.6

Small wrapper (using httparty, etc.) to provide an interface that mimicks AR main metho...

100,610 下载

plataforma_social 0.0.38

Plataforma Social's integration gem

99,630 下载

kraken-io 0.1.3

With this gem you can plug into the power and speed of Image Optimizer. https...

99,486 下载

httparty_with_cookies 0.2.2

This gem works mostly as HTTParty, but has automatic saving and sending of cookies to t...

99,432 下载

russian_central_bank 1.1.3

RussianCentralBank extends Money::Bank::VariableExchange and gives you access to the Ce...

99,173 下载

ace-client 0.0.23

Simple ACE(Amazon Compatible Environment) Client

98,864 下载

africastalking-ruby 2.2.1

Simple gem that helps you build integrations with AfricasTalking

98,501 下载

magicbell 2.2.1

The notification inbox for your product

98,365 下载

jawbone 0.4

A Ruby wrapper for the Jawbone UP API.

98,323 下载

ruby-lol 1.2.0

Ruby wrapper to Riot Games API. Maps results to full blown ruby objects.

97,195 下载

hubspot-api-ruby 0.20.0

hubspot-api-ruby is a wrapper for the HubSpot REST API

97,087 下载

peerflixrb 6.1.2

With peerflixrb you can search for movies and TV shows and stream them directly on your...

95,676 下载

nihaopay-ruby 0.2.2

Ruby library for Nihaopay payment gateway API

95,575 下载

editmode 1.8.1

The Editmode gem allows you to include chunks from the Editmode platform in your rails ...

95,159 下载

overlord 3.0.2

Code to interact with the google ajax apis on the server and the client.

94,813 下载

zeta 2.1.4


94,778 下载

cardano_wallet 0.4.2

Ruby wrapper over cardano-wallet.

94,295 下载

domr 0.4.0

Quickly search for available domain names from command line.

93,799 下载

binance-ruby 1.4.1

Ruby wrapper for the Binance API.

93,332 下载

unresponsys 0.6

an opinionated Ruby wrapper for Responsys REST API

91,858 下载

songkickr 0.5.5

A Ruby wrapper around the Songkick API. Visit for documentat...

91,763 下载

Ifd_Automation 3.0.3

Behavior driven development (BDD) approach to write automation test script to test GUI,...

91,516 下载

shopify_theme 0.0.25

Command line tool to help with developing Shopify themes. Provides simple commands to d...

91,321 下载

navi_client 1.4.7

Write a longer description or delete this line.

91,237 下载

c2dm 0.3.0

c2dm sends push notifications to Android devices via Google Cloud Messaging (GCM)

90,807 下载

swift_client 0.3.0

Small but powerful client to interact with OpenStack Swift

90,571 下载

fastlane-plugin-firebase_management 1.1.0

Unofficial tool to access Firebase project settings

90,389 下载

brownpapertickets 0.0.21

Brown Paper Tickets API wrapper

89,333 下载

simple_stack 0.1.1

A simple gem to work with simplestack project

89,057 下载

下载总量 355,408,016

这个版本 18,411,194




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.7.0
