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Dépendances inversées pour i18n Latest version of the following gems require i18n

multi-solr 01.12.00

SOLR-Framework wit multi-core supoort and filters

85 094 Téléchargements

mongoid-filterable 2.0.2

Easy way to add scopes to your models.

83 377 Téléchargements

dm-zone-types 0.3

Timezone aware datatypes for DataMapper

83 289 Téléchargements

trollo 0.3.5


82 764 Téléchargements

seed_migrator 0.7.1

Provides a clean way to handle updates to seed data post-launch.

82 347 Téléchargements

locomotivecms-solid 4.0.1

The Solid gem from the TigerLily team but modified to work with LocomotiveCMS

82 311 Téléchargements

sequel_translatable 0.2.0

Translate model attributes for sequel, fully tested.

82 218 Téléchargements

vagrant-vmware-esxi 2.5.5

A Vagrant plugin that adds a VMware ESXi provider support

82 074 Téléchargements

rs_russian 0.21.0

Russian language support for Ruby and Rails

82 003 Téléchargements

ungulate 0.2.1

= Ungulate According to Wikipedia, this can mean "hoofed animal". Camels have hooves. ...

81 929 Téléchargements

fletcher 0.6.9

Easily fetch product information from third party websites such as Amazon, Steam, eBay,...

81 710 Téléchargements

sage_pay 1.0.0

This is a Ruby library for integrating with SagePay. SagePay is a payment gateway for a...

81 524 Téléchargements

turbot-ruby-gems 0.34

Metapackage to install gems provided by Turbot.

80 483 Téléchargements

luna_park 0.13.2

Domain driven oriented microservice framework.

80 234 Téléchargements

i18n-complements 1.1.1

I18n missing functionnalities

80 097 Téléchargements

activemessaging-kestrel-adapter 1.0.3

This is an adapter to the kestrel messaging server for the ActiveMessaging framework. ...

80 097 Téléchargements

shh 0.3.1

A command line utility that manages accounts and passwords as individual encypted files

79 797 Téléchargements

br_documents 0.2.5

Validates brazilian documents like CPF, CNPJ and IE.

79 655 Téléchargements

transcriber 0.0.26

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

79 614 Téléchargements

cloud66-bluepill 0.0.64

Bluepill keeps your daemons up while taking up as little resources as possible. After a...

79 539 Téléchargements

mage-hand 0.4.10

mage-hand is a ghostly hand that reaches across the internet to access the Obsidian Por...

79 277 Téléchargements

pacioli 0.0.29

A double-entry bookkeeping system for Ruby on Rails

79 197 Téléchargements

machined 1.1.0

Why another static site generator? Machined is for the developers who know and love the...

79 165 Téléchargements

openehr 1.2.999999

This project is an implementation of the openEHR specification on Ruby.

79 082 Téléchargements

brighter_planet_metadata 0.2.1

What emitters (carbon models), resources (data classes), datasets, etc. we offer.

78 941 Téléchargements


niconico manipulator

78 709 Téléchargements

tangocard 7.0.3

Tango Card provides a RaaS API for developers (

78 394 Téléchargements

i18n-language-translations 0.0.2

The purpose of this gem is to simply provide language translations.

77 854 Téléchargements

fluent_fixtures 0.11.0

FluentFixtures is a toolkit for building testing objects with a fluent interface.

77 622 Téléchargements

cadun 0.8.3

A wrapper for the's authentication/authorization API

77 512 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 989 766 228

Pour cette version 4 049 597

Version publiée:



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.3.0

Required Rubygems Version: >= 1.3.5
