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Dépendances inversées pour icalendar Latest version of the following gems require icalendar

kerio-ical 0.0.1

A Ruby interface to Kerio Mail server calendars

4 582 Téléchargements

caldav-icloud 0.3

caldav-icloud is a Ruby client for CalDAV calendar made to work with Apple's iCloud. I...

4 514 Téléchargements

wmci-viewpoint 0.1.27

A Ruby client access library for Microsoft Exchange Web Services (EWS). Examples can b...

4 343 Téléchargements

livecal 0.1.1

Parses ical/ics files into a live calendar

3 910 Téléchargements

wires-icalendar 0.0.0

Wires extension gem for integration with icalendar events.

3 739 Téléchargements

denso-calendar 0.2.0

A parser DENSO calendar

3 719 Téléchargements

mypage_tools 0.0.2

myPage tools for Apple Retail employees

3 509 Téléchargements

gnu-remind 0.2.5

A wrapper around gnu remind leveraging ics files via url or locally.

3 277 Téléchargements

icsfilter 1.0.0

icsfilter provides a basic way to filter events or change wording in ics files using th...

3 264 Téléchargements

lita-gomi 0.1.0

The handler which shows a collection day of garbage.

3 262 Téléchargements

cal_months_rails4 1.2.2

A nice extension for quickly incorporating icalendar imports with default views (Rails 4)

2 939 Téléchargements

eventmaker 0.0.1

CLI to create .ics files on the fly

2 597 Téléchargements

coffeeoutside 1.0.0

The CoffeeOutside bot helps choose a coffee location based on weather and other inputs

2 329 Téléchargements

more_holiday 0.0.1

Get more out of your holidays! Use bridge days smartly.

2 106 Téléchargements

birthdaze 0.1.0

Generate a birthday calendar from CardDAV

534 Téléchargements


owncloud_caldav is Ruby client for CalDAV calendar. It is based on the agcaldav gem.

324 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 54 075 423

Pour cette version 16 164

Version publiée:


BSD-2-Clause, GPL-3.0-only, icalendar

Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.4.0
