image_processing 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 image_processing
imgproxy-rails 0.3.0
A gem that integrates imgproxy.rb with ActiveStorage::Variant API
9,530 下載
spina-admin-conferences-fork 3.0.0
Keep track of conference attendees and presentations with this plugin.
9,150 下載
base_editing_bootstrap 1.8.1
Raccolta di utility per semplificare costruzione cms in rails
8,023 下載
Occams is a powerful Rails 6.1-7.1+ CMS Engine
7,869 下載
dgw_gallery 0.2.8
(This is a current work in progress so bear with us.) A simple gallery for ruby on rail...
7,520 下載
leifcr-refile-mini_magick 0.2.3
Image processing via MiniMagick for Refile
7,017 下載
activestorage-imgur 1.0.1
An ActiveStorage driver for storing images on Imgur hosting.
4,888 下載
pdf-reader-extract-images 0.2.0
Extract all images with format conversions based upon Pdf::Reader library
3,524 下載
quirc-rb 0.1.1
QRcode decoder based on quirc
3,498 下載
spina-admin-conferences-accounts 0.1.1
Implements devise accounts into SpinaCMS.
3,316 下載
snf_core 0.3.8
An engine which contains core models for Supply Chain Financing.
3,205 下載
derived_images 0.4.1
Resize images, lower quality to save bytes, rotate, crop, convert between formats, and ...
3,111 下載
godmin-activestorage 1.0.0
Handles uploads for you, using your app's Active Storage configuration.
2,497 下載
comfortable_media_surfer 3.1.1
ComfortableMediaSurfer is a powerful Rails 7.0+ CMS Engine
2,404 下載
mechanical 0.1.0
Dynamic forms, schema, everything stored in DB
2,335 下載
middleman-srcset_images 0.2.0
Middleman plugin for automatic img tags with proper srcset attributes. You can configur...
2,201 下載
bridgetown-media-transformation 0.1.0
Image and video transformation via image_processing and ffmpeg
2,003 下載
panda-core 0.1.11
Shared development tools, configurations, and utilities for Panda CMS and its related p...
1,781 下載
harpiya_core 4.3.0.alpha
The bare bones necessary for Harpiya.
1,601 下載
active_storage-blurhash 0.1.4
Use blurhashes to lazy load ActiveStorage images
1,473 下載
distribuo 0.1.16
Simple mobile app distribution
1,250 下載
rtcl 1.0.0
A Rails blog
1,215 下載
croppable 0.2.0
Easily crop images in Ruby on Rails with Cropper.js integration
1,048 下載
salebot_uploader 1.0.0
Library for uploader file from Salebot.
417 下載
tena_dcms 0.1.0
Model and Endpoints for TENA DCMS
302 下載
township 0.1.0
A Rails engine for municipal websites.
236 下載
inner_plan 0.1.0
Description of InnerPlan.
199 下載
scf_core 0.1.0
An engine which contains core models for Supply Chain Financing.
148 下載
bscf-core 0.1.0
An engine which contains core models for Supply Chain Financing.
99 下載