jquery-rails 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 jquery-rails
jQuery UI's CSS packaged as Sass stylesheets (with variables) for the Rails 3.1+ asset ...
802,308 下載
pjax_rails 0.5.1
PJAX integration for Rails
735,490 下載
activeadmin-mongoid 1.0.0
ActiveAdmin hacks to support Mongoid (some ActiveAdmin features are disabled)
667,805 下載
jquery-rails-cdn 1.2.0
Add CDN support to jquery-rails
645,874 下載
it-logica-application-backbone 1.5.3
longer description of your gem
641,073 下載
Super customized checkboxes and radio buttons with jquery & zepto
546,664 下載
active_admin-sortable_tree 2.1.0
SortableTree provides sorting of lists and hierarchies from ActiveAdmin index views.
526,729 下載
wice_grid 7.1.4
A Rails grid plugin to create grids with sorting, pagination, and filters generated aut...
526,309 下載
promethee 5.1.1
Bring fire to your page
505,726 下載
effective_bootstrap 1.19.13
Everything you need to get set up with bootstrap 4.
462,828 下載
refinerycms-core 4.0.3
The core of Refinery CMS. This handles the common functionality and is required by most...
458,857 下載
commontator 7.0.1
A Rails engine for comments.
451,701 下載
cacheable_flash 1.0.0
Allows caching of pages with flash messages by rendering flash messages from a cookie u...
441,160 下載
contour 3.0.1
Basic Rails Framework files and assets for layout and authentication
434,448 下載
saucy 0.16.1
Clearance-based Rails engine for Software as a Service (Saas) that provides account and...
431,686 下載
social_stream-base 2.2.2
Social Stream is a Ruby on Rails engine providing your application with social networki...
426,351 下載
lalala 4.1.0.dev.425
Lalala: Probably the best CMS in the world
426,167 下載
browse-everything 1.5.0
AJAX/Rails engine file browser for cloud storage services
403,237 下載
smart_listing 1.2.3
Ruby on Rails data listing gem with built-in sorting, filtering and in-place editing.
394,640 下載
To be used for sharing standard assets between the multiple modules of a platform
386,485 下載
coalescing_panda 5.3.0
Canvas LTI and OAUTH2 mountable engine
383,346 下載
scrivito_sdk 1.18.0
Scrivito is a SaaS Content Management Service, built for digital agencies and medium to...
376,840 下載
activeadmin-select2 0.1.8
With ActiveAdmin-Select2 you are able to chose Select2 as a drop-down entry option in F...
362,225 下載
activeadmin-selleo-cms 0.0.61
ActiveAdmin CMS extension
356,711 下載
rocket_cms 0.37.2
351,291 下載
paloma 6.1.0
Page-specific javascript for Rails done right
350,053 下載
camaleon_cms 2.9.1
Camaleon CMS is a dynamic and advanced content management system based on Ruby on Rails...
348,399 下載
jquery-infinite-pages 0.2.0
A light-weight infinite scrolling jQuery plugin, wrapped in a gem for Rails
336,722 下載
dorsale 4.0.0
Run your own business.
310,790 下載
renalware-core 2.1.1
Renalware uses demographic, clinical, pathology, and nephrology datasets to improve pat...
307,550 下載