RubyGems Navigation menu

Dépendances inversées pour jwt Latest version of the following gems require jwt

mno-enterprise-core 3.4.0

Core functionnality of MNOE. This handles the core functionnality.

57 023 Téléchargements

autosign 1.0.1

Tooling to make puppet autosigning easy, secure, and extensible

56 397 Téléchargements

sorcery-jwt 0.1.13

Jwt extension for the Sorcery authentication library

56 227 Téléchargements

zaikio-jwt_auth 2.8.1

JWT-Based authentication and authorization with Zaikio.

56 161 Téléchargements

etna 0.1.52

See summary

55 781 Téléchargements

standard-file 0.3.5

Standard File allows for storage, sync, and encryption of items such as notes, tags, an...

55 491 Téléchargements

xctoken 0.1.1

Apple has introduced brand new AppStore Connect API whic requires JWT tokens to be gene...

55 206 Téléchargements

drillbit 3.0.3

APIs Need Love Too

55 101 Téléchargements

lanes 0.8.3

Lanes is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...

54 637 Téléchargements

layer-identity_token 0.3.0

Simple class for creating an IdentityToken and authenticating Layer clients

53 261 Téléchargements

wazuh-ruby-client 0.3.6

Wazuh API client for Ruby

52 872 Téléchargements

ibanity 2.5.0

A Ruby wrapper for the Ibanity API.

52 753 Téléchargements

cirro-ruby-client 2.6.3

Simple wrapper for Cirro API

51 265 Téléchargements

lti_skydrive 1.2.2

Microsoft SkydrivePro integration

50 641 Téléchargements

ZReviewTender 1.3.8

ZReviewTender - App Reviews Automatic Bot

50 618 Téléchargements

comee_core 0.3.17

An engine which contains core models and end-points for the COMee ERP.

50 338 Téléchargements

firebase-admin 0.3.0

A Ruby wrapper for the Firebase Admin APIs

50 065 Téléchargements

solidus_jwt 1.2.2

Add Json Web Tokens to Solidus API

48 030 Téléchargements

openbel-api 1.2.12

The OpenBEL API provides a RESTful API over HTTP to manage BEL knowledge.

47 026 Téléchargements

pandapush 2.0.0

Pandapush is Instructure's internal pub/sub server. This is a ruby client for that server.

46 402 Téléchargements

jwt-rack 0.1.2

Rack middleware that provides authentication based on JSON Web Tokens.

45 146 Téléchargements

lago-ruby-client 1.6.0

Lago Rest API client

43 382 Téléchargements

yt-auth 0.3.1

Yt::Auth makes it easy to authenticate users to any web application by means of the...

43 121 Téléchargements

discourse-omniauth-jwt-xsolla 0.2.5

An OmniAuth strategy to accept JWT-based single sign-on.

42 210 Téléchargements

playlyfe 1.0.1

This gem can be used to interact with the playlyfe gamification platform using oauth 2.0

41 503 Téléchargements

gripcontrol 1.3.0

A Ruby convenience library for using the GRIP protocol

40 921 Téléchargements

matic-jwt 1.2.1

This gem contains specific implementation of JWT authentication to be used inside of Ma...

40 897 Téléchargements

firebase_token_auth 1.5.1

Firebase Authentication API wrapper for serverside. It support custom token auth. Of co...

40 337 Téléchargements

zeus_sdk 0.7.1

Ruby SDK for Zeus APIs

39 972 Téléchargements

livefyre 2.0.2

Livefyre Ruby utility classes

39 772 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 506 159 902

Pour cette version 1 457 670



Version de Ruby requise: >= 2.5

New versions require MFA: true

Version published with MFA: true
