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libxml-ruby 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 libxml-ruby

naver 0.3.2

Ruby Gem for Naver OpenAPI

12,010 下載

txml_importer 0.2.2

Import the content of a .txml file.

11,743 下載

fizx-rwget 0.5.3

Ruby port of wget, emphasis on recursive/crawler

11,642 下載

rbuzz 0.3.1

Ruby wrapper for Google Buzz atom feeds

11,616 下載


This service works as a daemon that watches an iNEWS rundown while the show is on air. ...

11,342 下載


Port of the sabre-xml library to ruby. sabre/xml is an XML library that you may not hate.

11,291 下載

thumbnailer-ruby 0.1.2

thumbnailer is a Ruby library for getting thumbnail images from various sites with idio...

11,265 下載

joerivandervelde-molgenis-gem 0.0.6

This gem has simple classes to allow parsing and visualization of MOLGENIS datamodels.

10,952 下載

outoftime-noaa 0.2.2

Ruby API for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data

10,735 下載

tcd_x12 1.7.1

A gem to handle parsing and generation of ANSI X12 documents. Currently tested with Rub...

10,692 下載

xlf_importer 0.2.2

Import the translation content of a XLIFF localisation file.

10,573 下載

svenaas-trim 0.2.0

Gem interface to the URL shortening service (

10,517 下載

bfire 0.3.0

Launch experiments on BonFIRE

10,005 下載

blackwinter-ruby-xquery 0.2.4

Libxml's XPath support + plain ol' Ruby = XQuery (kind of... ;-)

9,946 下載

hq-web 0.0.2

HQ web framework

9,901 下載

welements 0.1.3

Ruby API for National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather data

9,863 下載

bassnode-ruby-echonest 0.1.3

An Ruby interface for Echo Nest Developer API

9,768 下載

moip-transparente 0.0.3

Gem para integração com checkout transparente do MOIP

9,634 下載

imgsrc 0.8.6

Simple client for photo-hosting

9,518 下載

ncbo_resource_index_client 1.6.0

The NCBO Resource Index Gem is a Ruby client for NCBO's Resource Index Web service. The...

9,495 下載

ipay 0.2.2

iPay is a simple library for interfacing with Planet Payments payment solutions API, iP...

9,489 下載

kdonovan-happymapper 0.3.7

fork of jnunemaker's object to xml mapping library

9,457 下載

etvnet-seek 0.8.0

Command line tool for getting mms urls from etvnet service.

9,092 下載

etvnet-seek 0.8.0

Command line tool for getting mms urls from etvnet service.

9,092 下載

elisehuard-media_feed 0.0.3

Gem to easily extract information out of a media feed

9,040 下載

flazz-schematron 0.1.0

ISO Schematron Validation

8,965 下載

mapricot 0.0.5

XML to object mapper with an interface similar to ActiveRecord associations.

8,838 下載

XCBuildFaster 0.0.3

Tweaks your Xcode workspace to make it compile faster.

8,727 下載

jamescallmebrent-rumblr 0.0.2

Ruby client for the Tumblr API

8,566 下載

jimmyz-happymapper 0.3.3

object to xml mapping library

8,417 下載

總下載次數 26,013,186

這個版本 1,097,890




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5
