RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para listen La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren listen

vagrant-unison 0.0.9

Vagrant 1.1 plugin to sync local files to VM over SSH using Unison

29.034 Descargas

condenser 1.4

Condenser is a Rack-based asset packaging system that concatenates and serves JavaScrip...

28.841 Descargas

curate-indexer 0.2.3

A playground for CurateND collections indexing

28.829 Descargas

tres 0.1.10

An ice cold mobile web development framework

28.511 Descargas

tfwrapper 0.6.3

tfwrapper provides Rake tasks for working with Hashicorp Terraform 0.9+, ensuring prope...

28.471 Descargas

danger-xccov_summary 0.0.10

This rubygem does not have a description or summary.

28.246 Descargas

rspec_runner 0.2.7

Works even with non-Rails apps

28.042 Descargas

tivohmo 0.3.2

Allows one to author Tivo HMO applications using ruby

27.670 Descargas

dismissible_blocks 2.0.4

Dismiss HTML blocks and save state in the database. Engine for Ruby on Rails.

26.939 Descargas

zine 0.21.0

Yet another blog aware static site generator. There are many like it, but this one is m...

26.878 Descargas

ngrok 1.6.1

ngrok packaged as a gem (for easy installation)

26.873 Descargas

doublesplat 0.1.8

Battle other ruby coders for real cash using your own editor.

26.625 Descargas

open_dota_api 0.4.2

Unofficial Ruby Library for OpenDotaAPI. This API provides Dota 2 related data.

26.381 Descargas

danger-xcode_warnings 0.2.2

Show Xcode warnings with Danger

26.312 Descargas

cuba-bin 0.3.0

bin for cuba

25.892 Descargas

nyara 0.1.pre.2

Fast and fuzzy ruby web framework + server

25.799 Descargas

paperwork 0.5.1

Convert markdown documents to html pages

25.754 Descargas

alphred 2.0.2

Helper utilities for making Alfred workflows.

25.376 Descargas

active_admin-state_machine 1.1.0

Provides easy DSL integration between ActiveAdmin & state_machine

25.259 Descargas


While developing Rails apps, it is often difficult to remember which prefixes route to ...

24.948 Descargas

texas 0.1.8

A tool for creating LaTex files from ERb templates and processing them into PDF format.

24.928 Descargas

resque-rate_limited_queue 1.2.0

A Resque plugin which allows you to create dedicated queues for jobs that use rate limi...

24.903 Descargas

midwife 0.0.8

A collection of preprocessors for frontend development

24.722 Descargas

frontendloader 0.0.7

Accelerated front end development

24.636 Descargas

ckm_client 0.3.0

CKM client via web services and command line tool

23.993 Descargas

caravan 1.0.0

Caravan is a simple file watcher and deployer of project files for local development.

23.814 Descargas

danger-rcov 3.0.0

Plugin that allows code coverage print

23.254 Descargas

danger-wcc 0.1.4

A Danger plugin for Watermark Church custom rules.

22.963 Descargas

gloss 0.1.7

A rich language which compiles to ruby. Including type annotations, type checking, macr...

22.717 Descargas

pulse_meter-dygraphs_visualizer 0.4.25

Customizable web interface for PulseMeter gem

22.640 Descargas

Total de descargas 282.159.729

Para esta versión 10.126.154

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4.0
