RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para listen La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren listen

rubyjs-vite 2.0.1

This is a tool that behaves like a CLI application. The tool can track RB files in real...

7.244 Descargas

ruby-marc-spec 0.1.3

An implementation of the MARCspec query language for Ruby and ruby-marc

7.194 Descargas

develry 0.0.3

A metagem for ROM-style development

7.111 Descargas

cyperful 0.2.0

Interactive test debugger for Capybara tests

7.073 Descargas

songbooks 0.1.2

Chordfile (Lyrics + Chords) display and PDF generation using Sinatra and Prawn

7.069 Descargas

metro-ld26 0.3.5

Metro is a 2D Gaming framework built around gosu (game development library). Metro ...

7.060 Descargas

danger-readme_docs 0.1.0

Danger plugin to validate sub README mention in main README file

7.013 Descargas

dropbox-archive 0.0.2

Automatically upload files to dropbox and remove them from the local filesystem when th...

6.930 Descargas

danger-spm_version_updates 0.2.0

A Danger plugin to detect if there are any updates to your Swift Package Manager depend...

6.839 Descargas

marksman 0.1

Write slides in markdown and create beautifull presentation within minutes.

6.730 Descargas

rerun-cj 0.10.1

Restarts your app when a file changes. A no-frills, command-line alternative to Guard, ...

6.710 Descargas

brandish 0.1.3

A markup language for compiling to different formats.

6.647 Descargas

twilio_base 1.11.1101

It provides twilio logic

6.562 Descargas

rubymon 0.1.1

RubyMon automatically restarts your ruby aplication when changes are made. Read our doc...

6.485 Descargas

artiq-sync 0.1.4

For Artiq theme sync

6.455 Descargas

git_ocd 0.1.2

GitOCD watches a git repo for changes and automatically commits/pushes those changes

6.446 Descargas

plotline 0.1.1

Markdown & Postres-based CMS engine for Rails.

6.404 Descargas

active_webhook 1.0.0

Simple, efficient, and extensible webhooks for Ruby, including: Rate Limits, Cryptograp...

6.328 Descargas

sitefs 1.0.0.beta5

A simple static site generator

6.273 Descargas

nationsync 0.0.2

Write a gem description

6.258 Descargas

danger-clubhouse 0.0.2

A plugin that links to your clubhouse stories.

6.211 Descargas

uml_architect 0.0.4

Create UML Class Diagrams using text

6.207 Descargas

SasquatchJS 0.1.1

Gives you a SASS Watch type syntax for combining and minimizing javascript files

6.136 Descargas

ceph_storage 0.1.1

Easy access of Objects in ceph

6.068 Descargas

danger-ad_licenselint 1.5.0

Danger plugin for ad_licenselint

6.065 Descargas

qalam_ims_lti 0.0.4

Ruby library for creating IMS LTI tool providers and consumers

5.988 Descargas

readingme 0.0.3

Small Markdown to HTML encoder which uses Github readme stylesheet and highlight.js

5.985 Descargas

gcp_directory 0.3.0

Listen for changes to a directory and send documents to Google Cloud Print

5.979 Descargas

ramdev 0.2.0

A management tool for creating a ramdrive and syncing folders back to the hard drive au...

5.979 Descargas

again 1.1.4

again automatically reloads your application's code when it changes

5.938 Descargas

Total de descargas 282.204.108

Para esta versión 10.147.269

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4.0
