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Dependencias inversas para listen La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren listen

pump_action 0.0.1

A lightweight Rack dev server reloader

2.655 Descargas

danger-pr_reviewers 0.1.0

Picks the reviewers for the your PRs.

2.634 Descargas

linner-hc 1.0.0

HTML5 Application Assembler

2.505 Descargas

iconly 1.0.0

Store SVG and generate your web font icons with Iconly.

2.485 Descargas

rtram 1.0.1

RTram provides a server to develop static websites while converting Slim and Sass into ...

2.449 Descargas

twenty-client 0.5.8

Provides the client component of twenty. Static content (HTML, CSS, JS). See https://ru...

2.310 Descargas

octopod-exe 0.9.4

Enables you to publish your podcast using the Jekyll static site generator, creating fe...

2.263 Descargas

acts_as_tree_diagram 0.1.1

ActsAsTreeDiagram extends ActsAsTree to add simple function for draw tree diagram with ...

2.239 Descargas

danger-codenarc 0.1.0

Reads CodeNarc violations

2.209 Descargas

soy 0.2.0

Static site builder with support for data models, helpers, an admin, and more.

2.173 Descargas

softcover-nonstop 1.0.beta2

CLI interface for

2.140 Descargas

danger-inspect 1.0.0

Danger plugin for code inspections.

2.128 Descargas

danger-chatwork 0.0.1

Notify danger reports to ChatWork.

2.088 Descargas

danger-spelling 0.0.2

A Danger plugin for pyspelling.

2.088 Descargas

ktlint_reporter 1.0.1

To report checkstyle results via danger.

1.999 Descargas

travis-backup-for-v3 0.1.1

Travis CI backup tool

1.967 Descargas

danger-luacheck 0.0.3

A short description of danger-luacheck.

1.864 Descargas

acts_as_graph_diagram 0.1.1

Extends Active Record to add simple function for draw the Force Directed Graph with html.

1.862 Descargas

mighty_test 0.4.0

A modern Minitest runner for TDD, with watch mode and more

1.858 Descargas

timeline_rails_helper 0.1.1

Provides a timeline_molecules_tag helper to draw a vertical time line usable with vanil...

1.853 Descargas

twenty-frontend 0.3.5

twenty: frontend

1.800 Descargas

bulk_dependency_eraser 1.2.1

A bulk deletion tool that deletes records and their dependencies without instantiation

1.785 Descargas

danger-compose_compiler_metrics 0.0.4

Report compose compiler metrics

1.739 Descargas

danger-ikr-xcode_summary 1.2.4

Show formatted xcodebuild output in your PRs.

1.694 Descargas

aspen-cli 0.1.2

Aspen is a simple markup language that renders into Cypher. Write narrative data, m...

1.693 Descargas

vueapp 0.1.1

Tools for creating and developing vue.js applications easily

1.682 Descargas

model_transporter 0.1.0

Notifies listeners about model changes

1.645 Descargas

streaming_wiki 0.2.0

Watches a markdown git wiki for changes, automatically commits and pushes.

1.638 Descargas

actor_sync 0.1.3

Automatically synchronise actor information to your third party systems e.g. Mixpanel, ...

1.630 Descargas

danger-gfsm_commit_trailer 0.1.1

Danger plugin to add on projects using GFSM in order to make sure each MR creates a CHA...

1.561 Descargas

Total de descargas 282.275.962

Para esta versión 10.175.430

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4.0
