RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para listen La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren listen

calagator2 2.1.1

Calagator is an open source community calendaring platform

1.410 Descargas

danger-checkstyle_xml 0.0.5

Danger plugin for checkstyle formatted xml file.

1.400 Descargas

danger-gitlab_graph 0.1.0

Danger plugin for creating graph from ci metrics.

1.393 Descargas

cancancan_nested_auth 1.0.0

A Rails Service class that uses CanCan's authorization at nested associations' individu...

1.253 Descargas

rake_source_maps_fixer 0.2.1

Rake tasks that fix sourceMappingURL in JavaScript and CSS bundles generated by webpack...

1.232 Descargas

snapshot_ui 0.4.1

Take snapshots of UI during testing for inspection in a browser.

1.099 Descargas

berkeley_library-av-core 0.4.1

Gem for UC Berkeley Library shared audio/video code

1.099 Descargas


Census uploads via csv files

1.054 Descargas

cuco 0.1.2

A simple and flexible file watcher

1.032 Descargas

yattho_view_components 0.1.1

ViewComponents for the NearchX's Design System

944 Descargas

api_models 0.2.0

Core components used in the API Microservice.

799 Descargas

fimon 0.0.1

Thin `listen` cli wrapper.

759 Descargas


Tiun is an old russian high level manager for a city from a prince or boyar. According ...

744 Descargas

booth 0.0.1

In Devise you own controllers, models and views. With Booth you don't own the models (m...

737 Descargas

sumire 24.04.03

Monitor the `script` command and add the recorded time.

722 Descargas

danger-rubocop_disable_checker 0.0.1

A Danger plugin to check for RuboCop disable comments.

703 Descargas

fsr 0.1.6

Run RSpec fast by avoiding full app boot

673 Descargas

slideck 0.1.0

Terminal tool for presenting Markdown-powered slide decks.

480 Descargas

capsium 0.1.2


448 Descargas

siri-xsd 0.1.0

Validate our SIRI files according to XSD schema

382 Descargas

rrx_dev 0.1.2

Ruby on Rails core development support

375 Descargas

kozeki 0.1.0

Convert markdown files to rendered JSON files with index for static website blogging

365 Descargas

geb 0.1.12

A static website builder with simple templating and management utilities.

364 Descargas

Total de descargas 282.300.405

Para esta versión 10.185.408

Versión publicada:



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4.0
