RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para listen La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren listen

tork 20.0.1

Runs your tests as they change, in parallel.

113.792 Descargas

ken_all 0.4.0

Japanese postal code tools.

109.218 Descargas

metaforce 1.1.0

A Ruby gem for interacting with the Salesforce Metadata API

107.475 Descargas

usmu 1.4.6

Usmu is a static site generator built in Ruby that leverages the Tilt API to support ma...

107.433 Descargas

usmu 1.4.6

Usmu is a static site generator built in Ruby that leverages the Tilt API to support ma...

107.433 Descargas

nanoc-live 1.1.0

Provides support for auto-recompiling Nanoc sites.

106.573 Descargas

attractor 2.6.0

Many authors (Michael Feathers, Sandi Metz) have shown that an evaluation of churn ...

105.809 Descargas

datashift 0.40.4

Comprehensive import/export tools between Excel/CSV & ActiveRecord Databases, Rails...

105.578 Descargas

pageflow-support 17.0.4

Spec support for Pageflow extensions.

104.439 Descargas

alephant-renderer 3.2.0

Render HTML snippets

104.356 Descargas

faastruby 0.5.30

FaaStRuby CLI - Manage workspaces and functions hosted at

104.308 Descargas

barbeque 2.8.0

Job queue system to run job with Docker

104.296 Descargas

alephant-sequencer 3.2.0

Adds sequencing functionality to Alephant.

103.683 Descargas

station 0.5.16

Station provides a documentation platform ready to use with your custom documentation.

103.094 Descargas

activerecord-tablefree 3.1.8

ActiveRecord Tablefree Models provides a simple mixin for creating models that are not ...

101.760 Descargas

alephant-publisher-queue 2.6.0

Static publishing to S3 based on SQS messages

101.748 Descargas

opal-webpack-loader 0.13.0

Bundle assets with webpack, resolve and compile opal ruby files and import them in the ...

101.243 Descargas

alephant-lookup 2.2.0

Lookup a location in S3 using DynamoDB.

99.552 Descargas

knife-azure 4.0.0

A plugin to the Chef Infra knife tool for creating instances on the Microsoft Azure pla...

98.962 Descargas

danger-logging_lint 0.0.4

Checks logging commands in code.

98.718 Descargas

addressfinder 1.12.0

Ruby client library for Addressfinder

98.296 Descargas

ci_in_a_can 0.3.0

Fast CI. Still a WIP.

97.528 Descargas

retest 1.13.2

A simple command line tool to watch file change and run its matching spec.

95.863 Descargas

gamebox 0.5.5

Framework for building and distributing games using Gosu

95.783 Descargas

api_guard 0.6.0

JWT authentication solution for Rails APIs

93.960 Descargas

bootic_cli 0.9.6

Bootic command-line client.

91.221 Descargas

metro 0.3.6

Metro is a 2D Gaming framework built around gosu (game development library). Metro ...

90.882 Descargas

js_from_routes 3.0.1

js_from_routes helps you by automatically generating path and API helpers from Rails ro...

89.704 Descargas

danger-brakeman 0.0.3

A danger plugin for running Ruby files through Brakeman.

89.637 Descargas

lurker 1.0.0

The new de-facto for API testing your Rails application

89.496 Descargas

Total de descargas 267.422.495

Para esta versión 5.145.931



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4.0
