RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para listen La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren listen

danger-yamlint 0.1.1

A no-dependency Danger plugin to lint yaml files and fixtures

62.485 Descargas

isomorfeus-asset-manager 0.19.7

Asset manager for isomorfeus to compile Opal code and bundle javascript assets.

62.138 Descargas

danger-xcprofiler 0.5.0

danger plugin for asserting Swift compilation time.

61.927 Descargas

spark_engine 1.2.20

A design system framework for Rails (and humans).

61.578 Descargas


Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.

60.842 Descargas

zizia 6.0.1

Hyrax importers.

60.515 Descargas

viewy 0.7.0

Viewy is a tool for managing views and materialized views in Postgres from within a rai...

59.213 Descargas

spectator 1.4.1

Watches specs for a Ruby (1.8 or 1.9) or Rails (2 or 3) project

59.135 Descargas

danger-conflict_checker 0.0.3

Warn about the conflict between PRs.

57.591 Descargas

middleman-core-x86-mingw32 3.0.14

A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, ...

56.738 Descargas

voog-kit 0.5.9

Tools that help Voog design development

56.571 Descargas

discourse_theme 2.1.2

CLI helper for creating Discourse themes

56.440 Descargas

ikazuchi 1.2.1

meta-package of useful gems for rails development

56.238 Descargas

octodown 1.9.2

GitHub Markdown straight from your shell.

56.228 Descargas

entangler 1.6.1

Two way file syncer using platform native notify.

56.007 Descargas

danger-apple_swift_format 0.0.7

danger plugin for apple/swift-format.

55.932 Descargas

danger-jazzy 1.1.0

A danger plugin for validating documentation generated with jazzy

55.108 Descargas

omf_rc_shm 0.1.21

OMF resource proxy extension for SHM project

54.669 Descargas

frizz 2.1.1

Utility for deploying static sites to S3

54.635 Descargas

railway-ipc 5.1.1

IPC components for Rails

53.672 Descargas

tessa 6.1.1

Manage your assets.

52.775 Descargas

openstax_rescue_from 4.2.0

Common exception `rescue_from` handling for OpenStax sites.

52.092 Descargas

danger-github_ext 0.0.4

A short description of danger-github_ext.

51.471 Descargas

hyla 1.0.9

Asciidoctor Hyla - Command Line tool to create new project, watch modifications, genera...

51.157 Descargas

slinky 0.8.3

A static file server for rich web apps that automatically compiles SASS, HAML, CoffeeSc...

50.735 Descargas

danger-pep8 0.0.5

A Danger plugin for Python's PEP 8.

50.430 Descargas

doubleshot 1.0.7

Doubleshot will download dependencies on demand, compile your Java sources and let you ...

50.420 Descargas

jim 0.3.3

jim is your friendly javascript library manager. He downloads, stores, bundles, vendors...

49.813 Descargas

new 1.0.10

A tool to release your software into the wild.

48.521 Descargas

asset 0.2.4

The only thing you need for your assets.

48.455 Descargas

Total de descargas 268.190.859

Para esta versión 5.385.111



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 2.4.0
