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mail 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 mail

pakyow-mailer 1.0.6

Mailers for Pakyow

60,790 下载

mail_auto_link_obfuscation 0.3.1

Obfuscate link-like mail content on delivery to prevent auto hyperlinks in modern email...

60,532 下载

simple_postmark 0.7.0

SimplePostmark makes it easy to send mails via Postmark using Rails's ActionMailer.

60,490 下载

mail-logger 0.0.4

Lodges a callback with `Mail`, capturing all of the mail being sent, and logging it to ...

58,804 下载

fake_email_validator 1.0.11

E-Mail validator for block services like,, etc. during new u...

57,917 下载

lazylead 0.13.0

Ticketing systems (Github, Jira, etc.) are strongly integrated into our processes and e...

57,910 下载

houston-core 0.9.2

Mission Control for your projects and teams

55,175 下载

lanes 0.8.3

Lanes is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...

54,664 下载

bodyparts 1.2.0

Separates new messages from included reply chains in the body of emails

54,209 下载


Description - Postfix SMTP Filter to parse DTE files to CarterDTE Platform

52,869 下载

epub_book 0.1.32

create epub from a book index url and mail to you. by setting a default_setting.yml you...

52,747 下载

minicron 0.7.11

A system to make it easier to manage and monitor cron jobs. Please note new versions ar...

52,004 下载

roust 1.8.9

Roust is a Ruby API client to access Request Tracker's REST interface.

51,593 下载

hyla 1.0.9

Asciidoctor Hyla - Command Line tool to create new project, watch modifications, genera...

51,157 下载

eventify 4.0.0

Get notifications about upcoming events from different providers/organizers.

50,945 下载

backupit 0.3.1

A tool to backup your servers

50,141 下载

talktome 2.3.0

Talktome helps you talk to users by email, messaging, sms, etc. It abstracts the messag...

49,801 下载

sys_watchdog 0.1.20

sys_watchdog keeps your *NIX servers green by performing periodic checks and optionally...

49,207 下载

selenium-framework 1.0.17

Selenium Automation FrameWork

48,191 下载

klogger 4.0.0

Log all events generated by Kill Bill.

47,265 下载

savon-multipart--feb-2019 2.1.2

Adds multipart support (SOAP with Attachments) to Savon

45,940 下载

block_head 0.0.3

BlockHead provides an interceptor that can be used to restrict emails sent from a Rails...

45,217 下载

fyi 1.2.0

Find out what cron is doing.

45,029 下载

safe_email_name 1.1.0

Escape the name in To and From fields in emails

45,010 下载

rusen 0.1.0

RUby Simple Exception Notification (a.k.a. rusen) as it names indicates is a ...

44,476 下载

feed2email 0.11.1

RSS/Atom feed updates in your email

44,134 下载

twuckoo 0.5.4

A simple yet elegant solution to tweet a message regularly from a store (file, webpage,...

41,929 下载

decoration_mail 0.3.3

Decoration Mail Parser

40,552 下载

iron_mailer 0.1

A Rails mail delivery method using Iron MQ & Workers

40,037 下载

notifyme 1.1.5

NotifyMe is a monitoring script, it can monitor processes, services etc. with ruby scri...

39,958 下载

下载总量 516,867,727

这个版本 71,244,347



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
