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mail 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 mail

clacks 1.1.6

Clacks system for receiving emails to be processed in ruby

39,494 下载

actionmailer-instyle 0.5.3

Easily create HTML emails in Rails ~>3.1

39,442 下载

keepitsafe 0.2.6

A Gem for simple creation of backup scripts

39,333 下载

xmlconv 1.1.7

xmlconverter, convert XML to flat files. A Ruby gem

38,524 下载

puppet-lint-security-plugins 0.2.0

Checks puppet manifests for security related problems.

37,317 下载

rivendell-import 1.04

Import sound in our Rivendell system

37,284 下载

goatmail 1.2.0

a Sinatra Application to browse the email sent by letter_opener

37,130 下载

mailarchiva 1.0.0

A gem to access the Mailarchiva API

36,705 下载

eml_to_pdf_ext 0.6.1

This gem uses wkhtmltopdf to convert an eml to a pdf. (eml -> html -> pdf)

36,570 下载

jreport 0.0.14

Create a report easily.

36,259 下载

cknife 1.4.3

A collection of command line tools, especially for popular API services.

36,209 下载

active-model-email-validator 1.0.2

An ActiveModel email validator based on the Mail gem.

36,013 下载

ds_test 0.2.5

Test de Media

35,927 下载

pig-media-server 10000000

Pig Media Server

35,892 下载

orange-more 0.7.3

Orange is a Ruby framework for building managed websites with code as simple as Sinatra

35,545 下载

backup_rails 0.0.9

Easy use backup gem with Rails.

35,360 下载

email_campaign 0.1.10

See README for details.

35,265 下载

ditty 0.11.1

Sinatra Based Application Framework

34,895 下载

queued_mail 0.2.9

Description of QueuedMail.

34,848 下载

gmail-mailer 0.4.5

Programatically send emails using a given gmail account. No username/passwords needed, ...

34,809 下载

gmail-mailer 0.4.5

Programatically send emails using a given gmail account. No username/passwords needed, ...

34,809 下载

automaildoc 0.1.3

Automaildoc is a gem to generate a list of about mails from your mail spec.

34,795 下载

schleuder 4.0.3

Schleuder is a group's email-gateway: subscribers can exchange encrypted emails among t...

34,030 下载

berta 2.1.1

Berta will check all VMs on OpenNebula cloud for expiration date

33,277 下载

sf_migrate 1.3.0

SalesForce to SugarCRM migration tool

33,153 下载

gmail-api-ruby 0.0.11

A Ruby interface to Gmail API (NO IMAP, NO SMTP). Search, read and send multipart ema...

32,329 下载

rock-queue 0.3.3

A unified interface for various messaging queues

31,481 下载

rounders 0.7.3

bot-ish pluggable incoming mail processing framework

31,319 下载

malm 0.1.1

SMTP server with web interface for easy local development. Sets up a little mail server...

30,465 下载

validate_as_email 3.0.0

The ultimate email validator

30,305 下载

下载总量 517,244,388

这个版本 71,514,597



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5
