mail 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mail
validate_as_email 3.0.0
The ultimate email validator
30,607 下載
qmin 0.0.11
Simple framwork to coordinate background tasks
29,739 下載
notifu 1.6.5
Provides Nagios-like notification configuration & schedules
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amazon_ses 1.0.2
wrapper for the simple email service api
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stevedore-uploader 1.0.15
29,134 下載
patriot-workflow-scheduler 0.8.8
a workflow scheduler enabling fine-grained dependency management
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luggage 1.2.3
Easily interact with IMAP servers
29,004 下載
dorothy2 2.0.0
A malware/botnet analysis framework written in Ruby.
28,356 下載
rumble 0.8.0
Sends newsletters to recipients
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gitlab-mirror-pull 1.1.2
Checks for gitlab repositories with a set remote and run git fetch on these. Features: ...
28,106 下載
cv 0.0.7
The goal of this gem is to build a resume or portfolio based on a YAML file and running...
27,929 下載
multi_mail 0.1.7
Easily switch between email APIs
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a HTTP server
27,548 下載
tzispa_utils 0.3.6
Utility classes used by Tzispa framework
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csv_validator 0.0.3
A CSV validator for Rails 3. See homepage for details:
27,097 下載
jstd-runner 0.0.9
Runs a JsTestDriver server + browsers with some built-in monitoring
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blogpost 0.1.7
Ruby Blog Post (hatena,athera,269g,cocolog,fc2,goo,jugem,livedoor,maruta,seesaa,webry,w...
26,998 下載
ydim 1.1.5
ywesee distributed invoice manager. A Ruby gem
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broadcast 0.3.0
A broadcasting microframework making publishing of messages to different services easy
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rack-exception_notifier 0.3.5
Rack middleware to send email when exceptions are raised
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as2 0.12.0
Simple AS2 server and client implementation. Follows the AS2 implementation from http:/...
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telesms 0.2.1
Library for sending and receiving SMS messages with emails.
26,089 下載
rubycron 1.0.0
Write clean cronjobs in Ruby, and get reporting for free!
25,867 下載
sendgrid_actionmailer_adapter 0.3.2
A ActionMailer adapter using SendGrid Web API v3.
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hey-you 1.4.2
Send multichannel notifications with one command. Сonvenient storage of notifications t...
25,296 下載
sensu-plugins-monit 1.0.0
Sensu monit plugins
24,597 下載
command_line_email 0.0.7
Send email from the Linux or Mac command line
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anadea-mailsocio-qa 0.1.7
Mailsocio Quality Assurance
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cyclid 0.4.0
The Cyclid CI system
23,861 下載
gorgeous 0.2.0
Convert between different data formats; prettify JSON, HTML and XML
23,790 下載