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mash 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 mash

reenhanced-remixr 0.1.0

wrapper for the BestBuy Remix api

4,342 下载

reenhanced-remixr 0.1.0

wrapper for the BestBuy Remix api

4,342 下载

scoped_hash 0.1.1

Scoped Hash provides scoped access to hash structure

4,303 下载

bluebox-boxcutter 0.0.14

cli for boxpanel.

4,158 下载

sentiment 0.0.2

A very simple to use sentiment analysis tool

4,072 下载

arthurgeek-twitter 0.6.15

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

4,025 下载

arthurgeek-twitter 0.6.15

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

4,025 下载

dacort-twitter 0.6.5

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,944 下载

dacort-twitter 0.6.5

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,944 下载

codetocustomer-twitter 0.6.14

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,636 下载

codetocustomer-twitter 0.6.14

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,636 下载

egze-twitter 0.6.13

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,564 下载

egze-twitter 0.6.13

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,564 下载

michaeltaras-twitter 0.6.13

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,394 下载

michaeltaras-twitter 0.6.13

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,394 下载

ministrycentered-twitter 0.6.12

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,368 下载

ministrycentered-twitter 0.6.12

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,368 下载

ssoroka-twitter 0.6.7

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,350 下载

ssoroka-twitter 0.6.7

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,350 下载

radamant-rss-listener 0.0.1

A Simple ruby RSS Listener that notifies when new items are found.

3,344 下载

squeejee-remixr 0.1.0

wrapper for the BestBuy Remix api

3,332 下载

squeejee-remixr 0.1.0

wrapper for the BestBuy Remix api

3,332 下载

paulsingh-twitter 0.6.13

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,317 下载

paulsingh-twitter 0.6.13

wrapper for the twitter api (oauth only)

3,317 下载

hatefreeweb 0.1.1

This gem connects to the API and classifies text for hate speech detection

2,044 下载

下载总量 209,530

这个版本 170,672



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