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Dépendances inversées pour metric_fu Latest version of the following gems require metric_fu

corrector 0.1.0

Text correction using words and phrases dictionaries.

11 577 Téléchargements

rspec_metric_fu 0.0.5

metric_fu includes for our spec_helper

10 907 Téléchargements

logg 0.1.6

A simple message dispatcher (aka. logger) for your ruby applications.

10 854 Téléchargements

porteo 0.1.2

Send all messages that you want in any protocol, its ready to send mail messages, twitt...

10 470 Téléchargements

ermaker_ting 0.0.3


9 141 Téléchargements

quality_meter 1.0.0

QualityMeter is a common platform for rails application quality controll.

7 276 Téléchargements

skewer 0.1.1

Runs masterless puppet code on cloud machines

7 029 Téléchargements

blog_io 0.0.2

This gem help you migrating your blog posts to a new web application, via automated mig...

6 838 Téléchargements

simple_shipping 0.4.7

This gem uses the APIs provided by UPS and FedEx to service various requests on beh...

6 509 Téléchargements

mc_dump 0.0.1

Dumps key values pairs within a memcached instance. Useful for verification of cached ...

5 418 Téléchargements

neustar-ws_get_data 0.0.1

This gem wraps the SOAP interface for Neustar's WS-GetData Services. It supports both i...

5 353 Téléchargements

store_agent 1.0.1

Simple Access Controllable Storage Interface.

5 224 Téléchargements

ci_tasks 0.1.0

Common tasks to be executed in Continuous Integration environments. VERY ALPHA!

4 955 Téléchargements

audio_glue 0.1.0

Tool to assemble audio files from templates

4 828 Téléchargements

integrity_metrics 0.1.2

Integrates metric_fu into integrity so that metrics are run on every build.

4 620 Téléchargements

universe-devtools 0.1.1

gem install universe-devtools

4 402 Téléchargements

audio_glue-sox_adapter 0.0.1

AudioGlue adapter based on sox command line tool

4 395 Téléchargements

kolekti_metricfu 5.0.0

Metric collecting support for Ruby that servers Kolekti.

4 268 Téléchargements

two-step 1.0

I don't like Cucumber. I don't need plain text stories. My clients either read code...

4 258 Téléchargements

vocalware 0.0.1

Ruby client for Vocalware REST API

4 050 Téléchargements

rails-audio_glue 0.0.1

Rails-AudioGlue is an audio template engine (aka ERB/HAML for sounds)

3 874 Téléchargements

app_reporter 1.0.0

Code quality report through metric_fu and brakeman gem

3 676 Téléchargements

jumpup-stats 0.0.1

Rake task to send scores to dashboard.

3 628 Téléchargements

mnotifier 0.0.1


3 518 Téléchargements

code_analytics 0.2.0

Write a longer description or delete this line.

3 365 Téléchargements

sneakers_custom_bunny 1.0.4

Fast background processing framework for Ruby and RabbitMQ

3 103 Téléchargements

Total de téléchargements 2 033 027

Pour cette version 483 817



Version de Ruby requise: >= 1.9.0

Required Rubygems Version: >= 1.3.6
