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middleman-core 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 middleman-core

middleman-hikidoc 0.0.2

Add HikiDoc support for middleman (converts *.hd to *.html)

6,237 下載

middleman-patterns 0.2

An implementation of pattern-lab ( for middleman

6,177 下載

middleman-swift 0.2.0

middleman-swift is a Middleman static site generator Template that has native support f...

6,079 下載

middleman-blog-authors 0.0.1

A Middleman extension to add author profile pages to a blog

6,015 下載

middleman-dev-cms 0.2.5

Provides CRUD abilities for pages as well as git operations when running server

5,940 下載

middleman-bem-html 1.0.3

Middleman extension to use bem_html and css_dead_class to add BEM class tags to HTML ob...

5,912 下載

middleman-webpacker 1.2.0

Extension to use Middleman with Webpack

5,767 下載

middleman-cta 0.1.0

Easily insert CTA campaigns into your post, including markdown

5,748 下載

middleman-somemoji 0.2.0

Choose emoji provider and convert emoji shorthand to <img> tag using somemoji gem.

5,742 下載

matomo-middleman 0.0.3

Add tracking code for matomo

5,608 下載

svg_hearts_you 0.0.2

A heartwarming gem to inline SVG. SVG Hearts You provides helper ...

5,597 下載

middleman-autometatags 0.0.2

A middleman extension inspired by the metatag gem that helps manage metatags.

5,567 下載

middleman-extensionless-helper 1.0.1

A Middleman extension to remove an automatically added content extension

5,517 下載

middleman-crawler 0.0.2

it starts a crawler for Middleman sites

5,395 下載

middleman-image-uploader-tag 0.0.2

The remote_image_tag helper provide you automatic image upload to external hosting ...

5,386 下載

middleman-journal 0.0.3

Middleman Journal Engine Extension

5,349 下載

middleman-npm_build 0.0.5

Runs `npm run build` after the middleman build command finishes. You can configure your...

5,348 下載

middleman-lunrjs 0.0.3

This is a plugin of middleman for lunrjs.

5,340 下載

middleman-facebook-pixel 0.1.1

"middleman-facebook-pixel" is a Middleman extension that generates Facebook Pixel code,...

5,338 下載

middleman-inline 0.0.2

Middleman extension that adds helpers for inlining JavaScript and CSS stylesheets.

5,301 下載

middleman-image_optim 0.1.0

Optimizes images during middleman build using image_optim gem

5,276 下載

middleman-sitemap-modify 0.0.2

Builds a sitemap.xml for your site

5,191 下載

middleman-webpacked 0.1.0

Enable webpack for your middleman project eaiser

5,144 下載

middleman-spreadsheet 0.1.2

Middleman extension for using Google spreadsheet as data files.

5,127 下載

middleman-condenser 0.0.3

Add the Condenser Assets Pipeline to Middleman

5,107 下載

middleman-ngmin 0.4.1

Transform AngularJS code in the asset pipeline to be safe for minification.

5,075 下載

middleman-pdfkit 0.2.0

Generate PDFs from HTML/CSS with middleman

5,059 下載

middleman-web_components 0.0.2

Middleman extension which provides a helper and execute vulcanize for Web Components

5,026 下載

middleman-strava 1.0.0

A Middleman extension that provides helpers to easily display Strava API data

4,948 下載

middleman-blog-similar-groonga 0.0.2

Middleman extension to list similar pages using Groonga

4,925 下載

總下載次數 4,820,961

這個版本 46,807



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.5.0
