RubyGems Navigation menu

middleman-core 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 middleman-core

middleman-navsidebar 0.1.8

This extension provides helpers for printing parts of the tree in your middleman templa...

3,356 下载

middleman-router 0.0.1

A simple router for Middleman projets, inspired by the Rails router

3,356 下载

middleman-frontkit 0.0.1

A static site generator. Provides dozens of templating languages (Haml, Sass, Compass, ...

3,317 下载

middleman-fragment-caching 0.0.1

A Middleman fragment caching extension like Rails

3,307 下载

contentful-middleman-pages 0.1.0

Create pages in middleman using data imported with contentful_middleman

3,306 下载

middleman-diff 0.0.1

Preview what's changed in your Middleman build.

3,255 下载

middleman-prismic 0.1.0

Middleman extension for Prismic

3,245 下载

middleman-wordpress 0.0.1

An extension for Middleman that enables the building of static websites using WordPress...

3,131 下载

middleman-planet 0.0.1

Feed Aggregator Extension for Middleman. Insprited by Planet.

3,083 下载

middleman-application-insights 1.0.0


3,060 下载

middleman-vendor_bower 0.0.1

Adds the bower directory to the sprockets path so that you can require bower components...

2,989 下载

middleman-github_api 0.0.1

A Middleman extension for GitHub API.

2,966 下载

middleman-rsync 0.1.0

A Middleman extension to deploy via rsync

2,941 下载

middleman-foxycart 0.1.0

FoxyCart helpers for Middleman static sites

2,934 下载

middleman-bowerify 0.0.1

Adds the bower_components folder to sprockets load path

2,862 下载

middleman-sitemap-xml-generator 1.0.0

Adds a sitemap.xml file to your Middleman site for search engines.

2,710 下载

middleman-medium_export 1.0.0

An extension to export your articles created with middleman-blog to medium from a comma...

2,671 下载

middleman-segment 0.1.0

A Middleman extension to handle generating your Segment tracking code.

2,620 下载

middleman-emojifire 1.1.0

middleman-emojifire is a quite easy-to-use emoji extension for Middleman.

2,537 下载

middleman-decorators 1.0.0

Use Decorators (Presenters) in Middleman

2,509 下载

middleman-tiny_png 0.0.1

TinyPNG middleman integration

2,441 下载

middleman-keycdn 0.1

Adds ability to invalidate a specific set of files in your KeyCDN cache

2,439 下载

middleman-tinify 0.0.1

Uses tinify service to minimize images during your middleman build.

2,308 下载

middleman-cache-do 0.1.0

Adds a cache method to helpers and templates which helps cache blocks of expensive code

2,298 下载

middleman-flickr 0.0.1

Middleman extension to display images from Flickr

2,215 下载

middleman-html-beautify 0.1.0

Beautify HTML string

2,203 下载

piwik-middleman 0.0.1

Add tracking code for piwik

2,151 下载

middleman-srcset_images 0.2.0

Middleman plugin for automatic img tags with proper srcset attributes. You can configur...

2,074 下载

middleman-brotli 0.0.1

This Middleman extension writes brotli-compressed output files (.br) for your pages, js...

1,930 下载


Will help you to add interactions with a bot in your Middleman app !

1,649 下载

下载总量 4,824,054

这个版本 47,568



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.5.0
