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Runtime :
active_model_serializers 0.10.15
~> 0.10
~> 6.1
~> 6.1
addressable 2.8.7
~> 2.8
awrence 1.2.1
~> 1.2
binaryedge 0.1.0
~> 0.1
censysx 0.1.1
~> 0.1
colorize 0.8.1
~> 0.8
crtsh-rb 0.3.1
~> 0.3
cymbal 2.0.0
~> 2.0
dnpedia 0.1.0
~> 0.1
dnstwister 0.1.0
~> 0.1
dotenv 2.8.1
~> 2.7
dry-configurable 0.16.1
~> 0.13
dry-files 0.3.0
~> 0.1
dry-initializer 3.2.0
~> 3.0
dry-struct 1.8.0
~> 1.4
dry-validation 1.11.1
~> 1.7
email_address 0.2.5
~> 0.2
hachi 1.0.0
~> 1.0
http 5.2.0
~> 5.0
launchy 2.5.2
~> 2.5
mem 0.2.0
~> 0.1
memist 2.0.2
~> 2.0
misp 0.1.4
~> 0.1
net-ping 2.0.8
~> 2.0
normalize_country 0.3.0
= 0.3
onyphe 2.0.0
~> 2.0
otx_ruby 0.9.10
~> 0.9
parallel 1.26.3
~> 1.20
passive_circl 0.1.0
~> 0.1
passivetotalx 0.1.1
~> 0.1
public_suffix 4.0.7
~> 4.0
pulsedive 0.1.5
~> 0.1
puma 5.6.9
~> 5.5
rack 2.2.13
~> 2.2
rack-contrib 2.5.0
~> 2.3
safe_shell 1.1.0
~> 1.1
securitytrails 1.0.0
~> 1.0
shodanx 0.2.1
~> 0.2
sinatra 2.2.4
~> 2.1
sinatra-contrib 2.2.4
~> 2.1
sinatra-param 1.6.0
~> 1.6
slack-notifier 2.4.0
~> 2.4
spysex 0.2.0
~> 0.2
sqlite3 1.7.3
~> 1.4
thor 1.3.2
~> 1.1
thread_safe 0.3.6
~> 0.3
urlscan 0.8.0
~> 0.7
uuidtools 2.2.0
~> 2.2
virustotalx 1.2.0
~> 1.2
whois 5.1.1
~> 5.0
whois-parser 1.2.0
~> 1.2
zoomeye-rb 0.2.0
~> 0.2
Development :
bundler 2.6.5
~> 2.2
coveralls_reborn 0.28.0
~> 0.23
fakefs 1.9.0
~> 1.3
mysql2 0.5.6
~> 0.5
overcommit 0.67.1
~> 0.58
pg 1.5.9
~> 1.2
rack-test 1.1.0
~> 1.1
rake 13.2.1
~> 13.0
rb-fsevent 0.11.2
~> 0.11
rerun 0.14.0
~> 0.13
rspec 3.13.0
~> 3.10
standard 1.47.0
~> 1.3
steep 0.52.2
~> 0.46
timecop 0.9.10
~> 0.9
vcr 6.3.1
~> 6.0
webmock 3.25.1
~> 3.14