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mini_magick 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mini_magick

photish 0.7.6

Photish is a simple, convention based (but configurable) static photo site generator.

70,759 下載

activestorage-office-previewer 0.1.2

Active Storage previewer for Microsoft Office files based on LibreOffice

70,723 下載

thecore 1.7.7

Start from here and build whatever you want to.

70,270 下載

kelredd-pruview 0.5.0

Ease generating image previews (thumbnails) of various files

69,544 下載

active_admin_jcrop 0.0.10

Jcrop plugin for ActiveAdmin, enable image cropping solution on image fields

69,416 下載

live_paper 0.0.33

Ruby interface to use the Live Paper service by HP for creating watermarked images, mob...

68,928 下載

jekyll-picture-tag 0.3.0

Jekyll Picture Tag is a liquid tag that adds responsive images to your Jekyll static si...

67,689 下載

site_logic 1.9.13

An engine for search-engine-optimized content management.

67,534 下載

almanac 0.9.2

Almanac is the most elegant mountable blog engine that can be easily hooked up in the e...

66,703 下載

dhatu 0.2.3

Dhatu (Sanskrit word for elements). This plugin will add all the basic elements require...

66,436 下載

curate 0.6.6

A data curation Ruby on Rails engine built on Hydra and Sufia

65,931 下載

looks_good 1.1.7

Rspec visual testing with percent matching tolerance

65,051 下載

couch_photo 0.0.7

Manage an image and all of its variations and xmp metadata in a single document.

63,581 下載

dotdiff 4.0.0

Image regression wrapper for Capybara and RSpec using imagemagick supporting both MRI a...

62,010 下載

phcdevworks_scripts 9.0.2

Ruby on Rails 7 Script CDN and Code Snippets Listing Management Engine.

61,137 下載

stealth_browser_automation 1.2.38


59,834 下載

blobsterix 0.0.38

Blobsterix is a transcoding, caching, storage server that can transform your blobs (ima...

58,299 下載

mix-rails-core 0.26.3

This is the core of the mix-rails

57,767 下載

phcdevworks_real_estate 6.0.2

Ruby on Rails 7 Real Estate Property Listings Management Engine.

57,480 下載

fae-rails 3.0.0

CMS for Rails. For Reals.

57,092 下載

harmony-service 0.8.3

Gem which helps you to build Harmony services

55,855 下載

xhive 1.6.7

Simple Rails AJAX CMS

55,029 下載

mix-rails-albums 0.26.3

This is a module for albums funcionality of mix-rails.

54,625 下載

lanes 0.8.3

Lanes is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...

54,560 下載

gastly 1.1.0

Create screenshots or previews of web pages using Gastly. Under the hood Phantom.js and...

52,463 下載

pattana 0.1.25

Pattana gives you a user module with Admin Interface to Manage Features, Users and thei...

51,562 下載

ruby3mf 0.2.15

Parse and validate 3MF files with Ruby easily.

50,948 下載

photo-helper 0.5.8

A tool to automatate my photo workflows

49,819 下載

phcdevworks_core_modules 8.0.3

Core modules for PHCDevworks plugins.

48,163 下載

redditor 0.1.22

Advanced page editor from redde

47,731 下載

總下載次數 214,330,645

這個版本 482,765



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3
