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mini_magick 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mini_magick

picturama 1.0.1

An easy picture gallery based on directory and files. This is mostly for general purpos...

18,457 下載

bizarroids_slider 0.1.5

Bizarroids Slider provides user managable collections of images.

18,200 下載

beerify 0.2.0

The rails engine which lets you the time to drink some beers!

17,617 下載

upload-image 0.1.8

This gem hides the details for implementing an image upload view component with crop fu...

17,450 下載

imaginizer 0.0.6

Create an image given a size and optional content

17,374 下載

photein 0.1.5

Import/rename photos & videos from one directory to another.

17,138 下載

middleman-automatic-clowncar 4.0.5

Automatically generated responsive images for middleman.

17,115 下載

obitum-rails_admin 0.0.5

RailsAdmin is a Rails engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your d...

16,927 下載

power_shop 0.2.4

Simple and flexible Ruby On Rails Ecomerce engine

16,917 下載

phantoshot 0.0.6

Take screenshots with phantom.js

16,790 下載

jekyll-srcset-tag 0.2.0

Provides a block that can take a source image and generate it to all sizes for srcset u...

16,600 下載

chaskiq 0.0.6


16,444 下載

flickrage 0.1.8

Another one Flickr collage maker CLI.

16,406 下載

ramesh 1.4.0

Command Line Tool for Tokyo-Amesh

16,373 下載

rails_admin_featured_content 1.2.3

Easy way for create featured contents using rails_admin

16,286 下載

phccodesnipperpro 5.0.2

Ruby on Rails 7 engine to manage script and post code snippets.

16,281 下載

hippo-fw 0.9.9

Hippo is a framework for writing single page web applications. It's a full stack frame...

16,255 下載

gallerby 0.1.3

Think about a dead-simple static gallery generator, with nothing except pictures, thumb...

16,141 下載

flms 0.9.0

A CMS for web pages that use interactive layers to present animated content.

16,124 下載

photomontage 0.0.9

It's beautiful

16,096 下載

lcms-engine 0.5.5

Implements common components and features for Rails-based LCMS systems

15,806 下載

fastlane-plugin-framer 1.0.4

Create images combining app screenshots with templates to make nice pictures for the Ap...

15,795 下載

wax_iiif 0.2.0

Minimal IIIF level 0 generator for use with minicomp/wax

15,739 下載

qrcoder 0.1.3

Creates QR code files in png, bmp, png, jpg, tif and svg file format. This is fork of s...

15,704 下載

falu 0.0.8

Extract color swatches and full palettes from images with imagemagick

15,681 下載

rails_dominant_colors 0.2.0

Extract the dominant color(s) from an image (remote image, locally image, base64 image ...

15,587 下載

mini_magick_clip 0.1.0

Clipping images with minimagick & mask file

15,522 下載

hexapic 0.1.5

Pick a 6 latest pics from flickr, instagram or twitter, make collage of its and set it ...

15,470 下載

dimscan 0.2.3

Bandwith efficient scanner for dimensions of web hosted images

15,267 下載

rails_admin_content_builder 1.3.0

Easy way for create contents using rails_admin

14,943 下載

總下載次數 215,508,472

這個版本 766,313



Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3
