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mini_magick 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mini_magick

superconductor 0.1.0

Project Management tools that integrate into your developer workflow

14,385 下載

docx_report 0.2.5

docx_report is a gem that generates docx files by replacing strings ...

14,156 下載

seven_gallery 0.0.6

"A Rails gallery engine. Includes creating multiple galleries and photos. Mult...

14,001 下載

bolton-cms-padrino 0.2.10

Bolt-on CMS for Padrino

13,757 下載

t_bird 0.0.5

Straight forward file uploads for Ruby Apps. Decouple your uploads from your model.

13,656 下載

gamification 1.0.3

Gamification is a collection of models for Ruby on Rails that allows you to make anythi...

13,554 下載

chive 0.2.3

Blog plugin for Rails

13,321 下載

spree_carrierwave 0.2.0

Spree extension to use carrierwave/fog instead of paperclip.

13,170 下載

foscam-ruby 0.1.0

A ruby client for the foscam SDK.

13,142 下載

vision 0.0.2

Vision is a Rails Way dashboard, built as a simple alternative to ActiveAdmin.

13,005 下載

tasuku 1.1.0

Easily set up custom solvable tasks in your Ruby on Rails app.

12,851 下載

sharp_office 1.0.1

Convert office document to pdf and swf

12,829 下載

compass-svg-sprites 0.0.4

Convert a folder of SVGs to PNGs using Compass

12,705 下載

barf 1.0.6

Output images in terminal

12,702 下載

commitphotos 0.0.4

Record yourself every time you commit and show it to the world.

12,675 下載

mosaico 2.0.0

The Mosaico email editor on Rails.

12,615 下載

scottmotte-amazonavatar 0.1.4

Upload avatars to amazonS3 on a User (or other) model. Simple and opinionated.

12,589 下載

fastlane_iac_publish 0.1.5

The easiest way to automate beta deployments and releases for your iOS and Android apps

12,246 下載

mini_paperclip 0.4.0

Subset from paperclip because paperclip has deprecated

12,198 下載

scene7ize 0.2.7


12,045 下載

HornsAndHooves-publify_core 10.5.0

Core engine for the Publify blogging system, formerly known as Typo.

11,891 下載

gnuside-carrierwave-mongoid 0.6.9

This fork is made to be compatible with rails 4

11,885 下載

photograph 0.0.6

Small library to take screenshots of web pages

11,693 下載

sample_file 0.1.0

Sample files for testing purposes

11,611 下載

voltron-svg 0.1.9

Adds SVG helpers and on-the-fly generation of fallback images to rails

11,585 下載

vitals_image 0.5.0

Image tags that conform with web vitals

11,425 下載

cmsimple 0.2.3

A simple CMS based on the Mercury editor

11,363 下載

pushfile 0.1.3

Upload files to Rackspace Cloud or Amazon S3 by URL or file with automatic image resizing.

11,124 下載

dust-cms 0.0.07

Drop in Rails CMS : `bundle` and run `rake dust:init`

11,045 下載

rutex 0.1.7

Generate images from TeX equations

10,913 下載

總下載次數 232,211,160

這個版本 225,138




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.3
