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minitest-focus 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 minitest-focus

graphql-relay 0.12.0

Define global ids, connections and mutations to use GraphQL and Relay with a Ruby server.

145,843 下载

google-serverless-exec 0.2.0

The google-serverless-exec gem provides a way to safely run production maintenance task...

144,709 下载

activerecord-trilogy-adapter 3.1.2

Active Record adapter for

117,782 下载

record_store 7.0.0

Manage DNS through a git-based workflow. If you're looking for the original 'record_sto...

110,019 下载

oneapm_rpm 1.4.2

OneApm Ruby Agent. (

96,853 下载

tailwind_merge 0.12.0

Utility function to efficiently merge Tailwind CSS classes without style conflicts.

91,609 下载

google-cloud-debugger-v2 0.6.0

The Cloud Debugger API allows applications to interact with the Google Cloud Debugger b...

76,713 下载

rookout 0.1.56

rookout is the Ruby SDK for the Rookout Debugging Platform

72,138 下载

aixm 1.5.2

Build XML descriptions of aeronautical infrastructure either as AIXM 4.5 (Aeronautical ...

68,684 下载

gapic-generator-cloud 0.11.0

An API Client Generator for Ruby in Ruby!

68,287 下载

gapic-generator 0.11.0

An API Client Generator for Ruby in Ruby!

68,185 下载

pulse-downloader 0.1.43

Client to download datasets from webpages.

64,208 下载

elastomer-client 3.2.3

Elastomer is a low level API client for the Elasticsearch HTT...

62,541 下载

aipp 2.2.2

Parse public AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication) and convert the data to either ...

57,766 下载

business-central 2.0.0

Integration library for Microsoft Dynamic365 business central

57,067 下载

nanoc-conref-fs 0.7.0

A Nanoc filesystem to permit using conrefs/reusables in your content.

54,524 下载

buncher 1.0.16

buncher implements a variant of the popular k-means clustering algorithm as a native ru...

49,668 下载

roro 0.3.33

Roro is a containerization and continuous integration framework for Ruby on Rails appli...

49,436 下载

marlowe 3.1

{Marlowe}[] is a Rack middleware that extracts or...

47,761 下载

signore 0.7.0

signore helps manage email signatures and select random ones based on their tags

44,837 下载

kinetic_cafe_error 1.12

kinetic_cafe_error provides an API-smart error base class and a DSL for defining errors...

40,572 下载

perfect-shape 1.0.8

Perfect Shape is a collection of pure Ruby geometric algorithms that are mostly useful ...

40,568 下载

tingyun_rpm 3.2.0

TingYun Ruby Agent

38,858 下载

lambdakiq 2.2.0

Scalable Rails Background Processing with AWS Lambda & SQS.

38,604 下载

lambda_punch 1.1.3

LambdaPunch: Async Processing using Lambda Extensions

38,482 下载

gapic-generator-ads 0.11.0

An API Client Generator for Ruby in Ruby!

36,676 下载

google-cloud-dataproc-v1beta2 0.6.3

Manages Hadoop-based clusters and jobs on Google Cloud Platform. Note that google-cloud...

36,064 下载

google-analytics-data-v1alpha 0.8.3

The Google Analytics Data API provides programmatic methods to access report data in Go...

34,845 下载

hipsterhash 0.0.4

A HipsterHash is just like a regular ruby Hash, except that it doesn't distinguish betw...

34,197 下载

activerecord-spanner-adapter 1.6.2

Rails ActiveRecord connector for Google Spanner Database

31,204 下载

下载总量 7,340,529

这个版本 821,305



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
