RubyGems Navigation menu

Dependencias inversas para mspec La última versión de las siguientes gemas requieren mspec

xapi 0.0.1

Provides an extension API for MRI that enables better performance and is safe on Ruby i...

4.450 Descargas

opal-cj 0.7.0.beta2

Ruby runtime and core library for javascript.

4.380 Descargas

syme 0.0.1

Newspeak is a programming language in the Smalltalk/Self tradition by Gilad Bracha, Pe...

4.362 Descargas

rubysl-dbm 2.0.1

Ruby standard library dbm.

4.339 Descargas

mullen-wee 2.2.0

Wee is a stateful component-orient web framework which supports

4.288 Descargas

rsx 0.0.1

RSx seeks to implement R, using the terrific Rubinius bytecode

4.279 Descargas

bahuvrihi-external 0.3.1

array-like access to external data files

3.943 Descargas

rubysl-win32api 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - win32api

3.912 Descargas

rubysl-tk 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - tk

3.862 Descargas

rubysl-delegator 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - delegator

3.778 Descargas

rubysl-option_parser 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - option_parser

3.738 Descargas

rubysl-file_utils 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - file_utils

3.734 Descargas

rubysl-parse_date 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - parse_date

3.727 Descargas

rubysl-string_scanner 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - string_scanner

3.714 Descargas

rubysl-mutex 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - mutex

3.706 Descargas

rubysl-getopt_long 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - getopt_long

3.694 Descargas

rubysl-string_io 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - string_io

3.688 Descargas

rubysl-weak_ref 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - weak_ref

3.685 Descargas

rubysl-open_struct 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - open_struct

3.670 Descargas


Ruby runtime and core library for JavaScript.

2.644 Descargas

Total de descargas 148.053

Para esta versión 14.225



Versión de Ruby requerida: >= 0
