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mspec 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 mspec

xapi 0.0.1

Provides an extension API for MRI that enables better performance and is safe on Ruby i...

4,452 下載

opal-cj 0.7.0.beta2

Ruby runtime and core library for javascript.

4,380 下載

syme 0.0.1

Newspeak is a programming language in the Smalltalk/Self tradition by Gilad Bracha, Pe...

4,362 下載

rubysl-dbm 2.0.1

Ruby standard library dbm.

4,339 下載

mullen-wee 2.2.0

Wee is a stateful component-orient web framework which supports

4,288 下載

rsx 0.0.1

RSx seeks to implement R, using the terrific Rubinius bytecode

4,279 下載

bahuvrihi-external 0.3.1

array-like access to external data files

3,943 下載

rubysl-win32api 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - win32api

3,912 下載

rubysl-tk 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - tk

3,862 下載

rubysl-delegator 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - delegator

3,778 下載

rubysl-option_parser 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - option_parser

3,738 下載

rubysl-file_utils 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - file_utils

3,734 下載

rubysl-parse_date 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - parse_date

3,727 下載

rubysl-string_scanner 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - string_scanner

3,714 下載

rubysl-mutex 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - mutex

3,706 下載

rubysl-getopt_long 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - getopt_long

3,694 下載

rubysl-string_io 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - string_io

3,688 下載

rubysl-weak_ref 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - weak_ref

3,685 下載

rubysl-open_struct 0.0.1

Ruby Standard Library - open_struct

3,670 下載


Ruby runtime and core library for JavaScript.

2,644 下載

總下載次數 148,053

這個版本 14,225


Ruby 版本需求: >= 0
