net-http-persistent 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 net-http-persistent
supercast 0.0.4
Supercast ruby client
6,051 下载
beowulf-ruby-testnet 0.0.3
Beowulf-ruby is the official Beowulf library for Ruby.
6,050 下载
wayfarer-jruby 0.0.3
Versatile web crawling with JRuby
5,921 下载
att-swift 1.0
A wrapper for OpenStack Object Storage v1 (aka Swift). Swift provides redundant storag...
5,753 下载
A Vagrant plugin to install Puppet modules using Librarian-Puppet.
5,746 下载
module-render-xyz 0.1.3
Infura Exchange gem which implements Exchange::Blockchain::Abstract & Exchange::Wallet:...
5,595 下载
adtekio_adnetworks 0.0.5
Why this gem? The aim is to make mobile advertising and mobile user acquistion more fle...
5,588 下载
uid2 0.2.1
Ruby API client for Unified ID 2.0
5,463 下载
multi-layer client for the github api v3
5,076 下载
quber 0.0.7
Rails adapter for Qube
4,800 下载
bandcampbx 0.1.1
This is a client library for the CampBX API that supports instantiating multiple client...
4,708 下载
telemetry-snmp 0.3.0
A gem that grabs data from SNMP sources and sends it to Telemetry::AMQP
4,705 下载
peatio-nem2 1.0.47
Peatio Blockchain Plugin
4,656 下载
unione-ruby 1.0.1
Official UniOne Gem to Interact with UniOne Api in native Ruby
4,567 下载
chalk_ruby 0.2.8
A simple Ruby client for Chalk
4,565 下载
neocoin-mechanize 2.0.2
The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize autom...
4,544 下载
iron 0.0.1
Ruby client for IronMQ by
4,331 下载
four_tell 1.0.0
Ruby bindings to the 4-Tell API.
4,307 下载
peatio-dogecoin-gonzo 2.6.3
Dogecoin Peatio (2.6) gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Walle...
4,234 下载
ultex-eos 0.2.2
Blockchain Plugin for Ultex
4,159 下载
qube 0.0.2
Ruby HTTP-client for the Message Queue based on Tarantool
4,053 下载
fluent-plugin-raygun 0.0.2
Fluentd output plugin that sends aggregated errors/exception events to Raygun. Raygun i...
4,028 下载
walletkit 1.0
WalletKit Ruby SDK
4,020 下载
dressing 0.0.1
A Capybara driver for Sauce Labs
4,006 下载
direct7 0.0.18
This Ruby SDK provides a convenient and easy-to-use interface to the Direct7 REST API. ...
3,752 下载
peatio-infura 0.1.72
Infura Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::Abstr...
3,676 下载
correios_rastreamento 0.0.1
Cliente ruby para api correios
3,631 下载
utapi 0.0.1
FIFA 14 Ultimate Team api in Ruby
3,613 下载
npm-mirror 0.0.1
NPM Mirror
3,591 下载
logger-http 0.1.0
A http logger
3,581 下载