RubyGems Navigation menu

net-http-persistent 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 net-http-persistent

rspec-openhab-scripting 1.1.1

Library testing OpenHAB ruby rules with rspec.

17,547 下載

s4 0.0.5

Simple API for AWS S3

17,215 下載

gpueater 1.5.0

This module is API for GPUEater web console.

16,884 下載

bing 0.4.0

Bing api client library that exposes all of Bing's api features.

16,870 下載

diamond-mechanize 2.4

The Mechanize library is used for automating interaction with websites. Mechanize autom...

16,142 下載

sauce_ruby 3.5.11

Fork of the sauce Ruby gem

15,969 下載

dimscan 0.2.3

Bandwith efficient scanner for dimensions of web hosted images

15,777 下載

peatio-nexbit 2.2.2

Peatio-nexbit gem make nexbit easy to integrate in peatio platform

15,771 下載

stella_gcm 0.2.3


15,131 下載

kdwatch 0.5.10

kdwatch: open auto-reloaded HTML for kramdown-rfc in a browser.

14,947 下載

penfold 1.0.3

Penfold is an assistant for screening potentital and tracking current covered call pos...

14,895 下載

peatio-decredcoin 3.0.1

Decredcoin Peatio gem which implements Peatio::Blockchain::Abstract & Peatio::Wallet::A...

14,053 下載

highrise_assist 0.0.4

Assist for 37signals' highrise

13,829 下載

rubygems-mini_mirror 1.0.3

Mirror some version of gems with Gem::Version DSL Create a mini_gem file and add this...

13,655 下載

basic_yahoo_finance 0.5.1

Very simple Ruby API for Yahoo Finance in order to query the stock market

13,604 下載

fluent-plugin-gimbal-tranquility 0.4.2

Druid Tranquility Fluentd Output Plugin

13,463 下載

logstash-output-https 0.0.8

This gem is a logstash plugin to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipeline usin...

13,226 下載

help-scout-docs 0.1

This limited (read-only) Help Scout Docs API integration provides functionality for ext...

13,018 下載

cpa 0.0.3

A CLI tool to query Argentinean zip codes.

12,795 下載

fluent-plugin-loggly-anno 0.0.2

Fluentd pluging ( for output to loggly (

12,244 下載

ft 0.0.3

Low-level interface to Google's Fusion Tables + CLI tool

12,034 下載

e3db 2.1.1

e3db client SDK

11,740 下載

saucelabs 0.5

Access saucelabs by passing browser, version, platform and device information

11,611 下載

wreckster 1.0.2

Wreckster is an API for accessing Rexster[].

11,533 下載

peatio-goldcash 2.6.8

Peatio Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube

11,514 下載

snooby 0.1.5

Snooby wraps the reddit API in happy, convenient Ruby.

11,322 下載

rapns_rails_2 3.6.1

Professional grade APNs and GCM for Ruby with Rails 2 compatibility

11,105 下載

fluent-plugin-out-falcon 0.1.9

A Fluentd output plugin to send logs to falcon's push API

10,902 下載

rets-sarmiena 0.1.2

Interface for connecting to RETS services

10,724 下載

fluent-plugin-dynamic-logzio 0.0.6

Fluentd pluging ( for output to (

10,427 下載

總下載次數 157,278,872

這個版本 4,238,411




Ruby 版本需求: >= 2.4
