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net-ldap 的反向依赖 以下 Gem 的最新版本需要 net-ldap

lita-ldap 0.1.2

Lita LDAP operations like search user and group.

8,034 下载

prathe_devise_ldap_authenticatable 0.6.0

Devise extension to allow authentication via LDAP

7,710 下载

bsb_active_directory 99.0

Fork of some other guys code

7,669 下载

logstash-input-LDAPSearch 0.3.0

This gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...

7,606 下载

minnie-ldap 0.0.2

The simplest that LDAP authentication can get while still being useful

7,572 下载

openaccess-apc 0.2.2

This gem integrates with the Pure CRIS to streamline the process of applying for fundin...

7,318 下载

adconnect 0.0.1

A Gem tuned specifically to authenticate to Active Directory's flavor of ldap. Very bar...

7,163 下载

admapper 0.0.3

Friendly mixin for working with Microsoft's ActiveDirectory

6,944 下载

fooldap 0.0.2

A fake LDAP server for use in testing

6,889 下载

ror-rubycas-server 1.0.c

Provides single sign-on authentication for web applications using the CAS protocol. Mod...

6,764 下载

rubynas 0.1.0.pre.3

The ruby based nas system

6,715 下载

devise_ldap_multiple 0.9.2

Devise extension to allow authentication to multiple LDAP servers, or with multiple con...

6,680 下载

warden-ldap 0.0.1

Provides ldap strategy for warden

6,525 下载

incline_ldap 0.1.3

Adds LDAP authentication support to Incline.

6,228 下载

entitlements-app 1.2.0

The Ruby Gem that Powers Entitlements - GitHub's Identity and Access Management System

6,177 下载

lygneo-vines 0.1.5

Lygneo-vines is a Vines fork build for lygneo integration. DO NOT use it unless you kno...

6,112 下载

houston-devise_ldap_authenticatable 0.7.1

Devise extension to allow authentication via LDAP

5,669 下载

seiso-import_ldap 0.0.2

Imports person data into Seiso. This includes contact and organizational information.

5,539 下载

devise_ldap_norm 0.2.0

Devise extension to allow authentication via LDAP, No ORM

5,346 下载

chuckdbacon-activedirectory 1.0.4

ActiveDirectory uses Net::LDAP to provide a means of accessing and modifying an Active ...

5,114 下载

amp4e_ldap_tool 0.0.4

Write a longer description or delete this line.

5,067 下载

rack-ntlm 0.0.1

Rack middleware for transparent authentication with NTLM. This is a fork from lukefx/ra...

5,066 下载

ldapi 0.1.0

Simple read-only JSON API to an LDAP server. Written in Sinatra with net-ldap and json.

5,060 下载

tcr_revived 0.3.2

TCR is a lightweight VCR for TCP sockets.

5,005 下载

csv-ldap 0.1.1

Csv::Ldap for Ruby is command-line interface tool for reading/writing entries in an LDA...

4,942 下载

holman_active_directory 2.1.0

Holman Active Directory Services

4,815 下载

fake_net_ldap 0.0.1

Use to fake out calls to Net::LDAP

4,775 下载

telemetry-snmp 0.3.0

A gem that grabs data from SNMP sources and sends it to Telemetry::AMQP

4,721 下载

infrataster-plugin-ldap 0.0.1

LDAP plugin for Infrataster

4,628 下载

net-ldap-auth_adapter-gssapi 0.2.0

This gem can be used with the net-ldap gem to perform GSSAPI authentication (which almo...

4,608 下载

下载总量 75,540,735

这个版本 1,693,262




需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 2.0.0
