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spore-rails 0.1.0

Loads environment variables from spore.

5,056 下载

ghreview 0.2.1

The 'ghreview' tool allows doing mass GitHub pull request reviews from command line...

5,017 下载

elasticdot 1.3.3

ElasticDot Command Line Interface

4,595 下载

esank-rest-client 1.6.7

A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...

4,578 下载


Singleton Ruby client

4,512 下载

graphql-repl 0.2.0


4,221 下载

released 0.0.2

extensible release tool

4,216 下载

guitarparty_client 0.1.1

Provides an easy to use Ruby gem to interact with the Guitarparty API. To see usage inf...

4,179 下载

klimt 0.5.0

CLI for the Artsy API

4,149 下载

gistrb 0.1.2

A command-line utility to manage GitHub Gists

4,130 下载

learn-co-dev 0.0.2

The command line interface to

4,036 下载

food 0.0.2

Query nutritional information for food.

3,915 下载

gem-star 0.0.1

Star github repository automatically when you gem install

3,850 下载

gem-bootstrap 0.1.4

CLI for bootstrapping new Ruby gem projects.

3,684 下载

relic 0.0.1

Simple CLI for the New Relic HTTP API.

3,583 下载

wunder_markdown 0.0.2

Mardown dump your wunderlists

3,568 下载

translate_client 0.0.2

Handle translations in your Rails app with the translate web app.

3,540 下载

ghi_label_maker 1.0.0

Utility for copying github issue labels from a source repo to target repo(s). Use "*" t...

3,449 下载

pebblescape 0.0.1

CLI client for Pebblescape

3,122 下载

github_org_manager 0.0.3

Manage GitHub organizations

3,095 下载

open-core 0.3.0

Open core client library: XDR

3,027 下载

sudokku_cli 0.1.8

A CLI program for logging in to Sudokku git server.

2,681 下载

cm-backup 1.0.0

Cm-backup is an extension to the Backup gem. Backup is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like...

2,599 下载

addons-api 1.1.0

Ruby HTTP client for the API.

2,597 下载

bld 0.1.12

CLI for

2,590 下载

sliday_backup 0.1

SlidayBackup is a RubyGem, written for UNIX-like operating systems, that allows you to ...

2,576 下载

gf 0.1.0

show changed files from open pull requests

2,392 下载

alinta-rest-client 2.2.0

A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...

2,261 下载

rest-man 1.1.0

A simple HTTP and REST client for Ruby, inspired by the Sinatra microframework style of...

1,714 下载

singleton-ruby-rel 0.7.0

Singleton Ruby client

1,617 下载

下载总量 382,907,218

这个版本 357,257,198



需要的 Ruby 版本: >= 0
