omniauth-facebook 的反向依賴 下列 Gems 的最新版本需要 omniauth-facebook
sociable 0.0.5
Sociable gem provides abilities to share various user actions happening in your app and...
12,938 下載
commonwealth-vlr-engine 0.0.7
Blacklight plugin for virtual local repositories from Digital Commonwealth
12,525 下載
owrb 0.0.4
Web scripts.
10,236 下載
omniauth-facebook-rails 0.0.3
Integrate your app with Facebook.
10,011 下載
Make avaiable to your users for login with Devise or Facebook, and manage them and your...
9,296 下載
magis 0.0.4
Magis Framework Gem
9,186 下載
login 0.1.1
Devise and Omniauth defaults
8,015 下載
vxod 0.0.2
Social and password authorization solution
6,478 下載
devise-omniauth 0.0.1
Reusable Omniauth integration for Devise supporting multiple providers. Essentially tak...
4,670 下載
devise_omniauth 0.0.2
Reusable Omniauth integration for Devise supporting multiple providers. Essentially tak...
4,571 下載
oauth_bundle 1.0.2
`Create new rails app, then run rails g oauth_bundle:install`
3,920 下載
omnisand 0.0.1
Simple Devise + Omniauth Bridge Engine
3,672 下載
workarea-facebook_login 2.1.0
Plugin for sign in with Facebook on the Workarea ecommerce platform.
3,454 下載
woodlock 0.0.1
Woodlock is an authentication and user management engine.
3,446 下載
user_plane 0.0.15
User component for Rails applications.
3,171 下載
devise_social_login 0.1.0
Social login for devise via omniauth.
2,714 下載
next_on_rails 0.1.1
Next On Rails is a Ruby gem and a NPM package that help developers connecting Rails --a...
2,635 下載
nimble-auth 1.0.0
Re-usable Devise-based authentication mountable engine
2,015 下載
jinda_engine 0.6.0
Generate Rails workflow engine from mind map: Freemind
1,870 下載
its-ruby-auth 0.0.1
Its Auth is an sso authen gem for Ruby on Rails.
358 下載